1. Interesting! So, healing the gut can have a dramatic domino effect! Could you give a condensed summary of Ray Peat’s general diet recommendations?

    1. The biggest one would be keeping the Polyunsaturated fats to a minimum, zero would be ideal.
      Keeping the calcium to phosphate ratio balanced , and carbohydrates to protein in favour of carbohydrates, but ensuring that you receive adequate protein in the process, fats will be a wild card based upon what your goals are thirty percent, balanced with carbs and protein would be good if you are healthy, but you might want to cut that back to twenty if you are looking to shed some excess weight.
      Foods that are easily digestible, ideal carbohydrates are mainly ripe fruit, as opposed to less than ideal starches and processed sugars. This being due to the mineral and vitamins found in fruits. Meats should be from ruminant animals for their saturated fat content. But again if you go for muscle meats you should try to balance the tryptophan content by consuming some gelatin with the meal to ensure a balance of amino acids in digestion and uptake. Carbohydrates as mentioned above should be consumed with protein so that you do not waste the protein in gluconeogenesis converting protein to glucose and thereby reducing the amount of materials available for muscle and body repair processes.

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Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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