1 comment

  1. As I think on this statement and the many different ways upon which to view this topic of metabolism, energy levels and subsequent dis ease. The idea of people taking the detox approach to health comes to the forefront of my mind at the present moment.
    I can appreciate the notion to eliminate toxic substances from our bodies, and how things like heavy metals, or other things that could be a concern of toxicity one might wish to excrete for an increase potentially in quality of life or perhaps longevity. But I always come back to the warning from Dr Peat about disturbing these substances that the body has stored safely, then mobilizing them and potentially putting them into a place that is more sensitive or perhaps damaging the detox pathway utilized for detox, an example would be the endothelium of veins arteries and capillaries resulting in for example vasculitis.

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Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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