This is my photo from this month of March. I feel fortunate to have stuck with this Ray Peat inspired diet for the last 7+ years. I started it in the Fall of 2016. I didn’t start eating this way to lose weight, but rather to get healthy. My journey into finding Ray Peat came from needing to remineralize my teeth as they were getting so transparent. In my search for a solution to my problem I found Weston A. Price first. Not only did my teeth fill back in solidly, but so many other unexpected things happened as well applying myself to Ray Peat’s principles. The age spots on my arms and hands disappeared, my hair color and texture changed to how it was in my much younger years and my face and body shape changed too. I had never had a diet do so much for me and seeing all these healthy changes made me keep going and now it is just a way of life that I enjoy. I never struggle with my weight anymore. I feel energetic and sleep a straight solid hours a night and it is fun looking good and getting dressed everyday now!