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  • in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #4041

      Got it thanks @Cari !  I just got a craving for tomato and feta cheese salad!

      in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #4038

        Thanks so much @Cari !  Great recipes.  I love them!

        I’m not trying to lose weight, necessarily.  I feel my whole life I’ve been underweight.  Skinny fat as you said.  I’m 110 now (and have been all year) but I can see I lost muscle and gained fat.  I was 117 in my prime 20 years ago.  I would love to lose the little visceral and subcutaneous fat I do have now, and gain muscle weight. That’s my goal.  And to feel more energetic too, of course.

        Go with my cravings.  Thanks for that insight!  I usually don’t crave sweets.  Never have.  My cravings are for salt and vinegar.  I really enjoy sweet/salty combinations like the guava shells with goat cheese, but I would consider that more of a dessert.  It’s a 180 degree mindset shift I’m making.  It concerns me that I don’t know how to calculate the proper ratio of goat cheese to guava shells.  Is it by calories?  I don’t know where to start with portion size either.  Eat that until I’m satiated?  For example, how do you know how much cream cheese to add to your flat iron steak, or how much cheddar to add to your pesto?  Maybe I’m obsessing too much about the fat in dairy?

        I also prefer seafood to red meat.  Is the tryptophan/phosphorus problem there too?

        in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #4030

          Thanks for the warm welcome!  Those are all thoughtful suggestions and relevant questions.

          For my thyroid I currently take 10mcg of Liothyronine (T3) in the am upon waking, 10mcg around noon, and 5mcg around dinner.  This is new for me.  I used to only take 75mg of Levothyroxine (T4).

          For cortisol, I didn’t know what RU486 was.  I had to look it up.  I’m not taking it.  But I am rubbing molecular progesterone drops on my gums before bed to help me with sleep.  It does help when I take it.  I’ve considered rubbing some progesterone drops during the daytime but haven’t tried it yet.

          I started back on 200 mg magnesium a few days ago.  I had stopped.  I also take VitD/K2 drops.  And one aspirin 3x a week.  I just ran out of niacinamide but I was taking that in the am and before bed.

          Coffee:  I love the smell and taste of coffee.  When I do have it, it has to be in the morning or it will keep me up at night.  I only have it with milk and sugar (or maple syrup or honey).  Never black.  I have it maybe once a month, if that?  Even decaf will keep me awake at night.

          I worked with Mike Fave for about six months and my carb to fat ratio and carb to protein ratio we came up with for me was 4oz of protein (fish, beef, lamb) and 4oz of carb (white rice, rice pasta, boiled potato, boiled yuca, boiled sweet potato) for each meal.  No added fat other than what’s needed to cook/sauté the fish or beef.  I use ghee, tallow or coconut oil for that.  My cholesterol is high.  I also have persistent low blood pressure, especially the diastolic part.  Sometimes I feel dizzy.  I had low iron but it’s now stabilized thanks to loading up on liver, clams, and octopus.

          My preference for starches are white rice, boiled yuca or boiled mashed potatoes.  I also love to blend tropical fruit juices from frozen pulp I get at the Latin markets (soursop, chirimoya, passion fruit).  I add water and sugar, honey or maple syrup if it’s not sweet enough.  I also love canned guava shells which I drain the syrup and have them with goat cheese as a before bedtime snack.  For fruits I eat bananas from my yard (I live in Florida), Coconut water and meat from the yard too, mangos from the yard when in season, cherries when in season, blueberries, pomegranate.  I don’t like papayas, pears or apples or grapes.  Pineapples make me burp unless they’re dried.  I enjoy dried organic mangos from Costco.

          Salt appetite?  I like salting my food.  More in the past year than ever before.

          , when you say sprouted grains, do you mean I can sprout my white rice?  I don’t eat any other grains.  If I ever eat legumes they would be soaked, sprouted and cooked in the pressure cooker.

          I love to cook, which is why I was attracted to your posts in the first place.  The recipes!  Yum!  I make my own bone broth in the pressure cooker.

          Today I had guava with goat cheese upon waking, then later had two egg yolks with 4 oz of white rice, later on I will have 4oz of ground beef with 4oz mashed potatoes for lunch, and 4oz of mahi mahi with either rice or potatoes for dinner.  I’ll do a peaty carrot salad somewhere in between there and drink milk, which I have switched from whole raw to 1% organic because of the fat.

          I am still trying to get my head around eating a protein with a sugar source.  In my Latin family meals always consisted of a meat or fish, a starch, a vegetable or salad and maybe a fruit juice as the drink.  We rarely ate dessert.   I’ve noticed Cari that you don’t eat much meat either, so that messes with my mind!  LOL!  If the dairy product is the protein and some fruit is the sugar source,  I don’t think I would feel satisfied and feel hungry all the time.  Unless I up the amounts, I guess.  I’ve never tried that.

          Sorry for the long post!

          in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #4027

            Hello everyone.  My name is Yelka.  I’m 57 years old, 5’4” and 110 lbs I’ve been thin-boned all my life.  I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

            Two years ago I got a strong episode of bell’s palsy from being so over stressed, malnourished, and undernourished that I got down to 101 lbs and lost my hair in clumps.

            I’ve been following Ray Peat’s recommendations since I discovered his work about a year ago.  I also found the old forum and I eagerly read Rinse & Repeat’s posts.  I was reviewing those posts yesterday when I came across a link to this site, and here I am!

            I’m still working on finding the best way to eat for me.  I feel famished and drained when I don’t eat starches.  Coffee makes me jittery.

            Since starting eating this way, I noticed loss of muscle and an increase in subcutaneous fat accumulation and an increase of my waist to hip ratio.

            First I blamed it on the fat from my raw milk.  I went low fat.  Now I think it might be the starches and the fat.  Probably high cortisol and not sleeping through the night.

            Anyway, perceive, think, act.

            I look forward to sharing my journey with you guys.

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