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Home Forums Forum Weight Gain From Stress

  • This topic has 31 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Anonymous.
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    @Lollipop here is another cholesterol one that really surprised me…


    “Since cholesterol is the source of progesterone and testosterone (and pregnenolone, DHEA, etc.), and sugar increases it, having fruit rather than starch might increase the hormones. Those hormones, antagonistic to cortisol, can help to reduce waist fat.” -Ray Peat




      @Cari – oh great one!!! Thanks for tagging me.  These are gems from Ray…


        “Antiserotonin drugs can sometimes alleviate stress and normalize blood sugar. Simply eating sucrose was recently discovered to restrain the stress hormone system (“A new perspective on glucocorticoid feedback: relation to stress, carbohydrate feeding and feeling better,” J Neuroendocrinol 13(9), 2001, KD Laugero).” -Ray Peat


          “The presence of lactose in milk, and of fat, to slow absorption of the amino acids, helps to minimize the secretion of cortisol. The main protein of milk, casein, seems to have some direct antistress effects (Biswas, et al., 2003).” -Ray Peat


            I’ve always had low cholesterol. It runs in my family. I also struggle with being hypothyroid. That runs in my family too. I manage my thyroid myself with TyroMix from Ideal Labs. Is there ways to raise my cholesterol. I think it runs 160 or so now that I’m older. Maybe it’s not considered low in that range.


              “Rosemary is often used in aromatherapy to increase concentration and memory, and to relieve stress. One study suggests that rosemary, combined with other pleasant-smelling oils, may lower cortisol levels and help reduce anxiety. Another study found that the use of lavender and rosemary essential oil sachets reduced test taking stress in graduate nursing students.”




                @Zack Vegas

                @J.R.K. aka @J.R.L

                @barbparadise said, “I’ve always had low cholesterol. It runs in my family. I also struggle with being hypothyroid. That runs in my family too. I manage my thyroid myself with TyroMix from Ideal Labs. Is there ways to raise my cholesterol. I think it runs 160 or so now that I’m older. Maybe it’s not considered low in that range.”


                  I wonder if you might expand on what your diet looks like, cholesterol can be made from both fat and sugar in the bod.  PUFA can be problematic in that it does lower cholesterol, which is why Doctors recommend margarine over butter, or seed oils over coconut oil.



                    “I wonder if you might expand on what your diet looks like, cholesterol can be made from both fat and sugar in the bod.  PUFA can be problematic in that it does lower cholesterol, which is why Doctors recommend margarine over butter, or seed oils over coconut oil.”


                      First thing I have coffee with 1/2 cup milk and sugar.. one sometimes two.
                      I usually make what I call a smoothie with milk, oj, egg yolk, sugar, collagen for breakfast.  I usually mix in some supplements of calcium carbonate, niacin, energin(b). For lunch I will have muscle meat, sometimes liver, sometimes shrimp. I’ll have a fruit or veg like brocolli or squash, onion, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, okra etc. I’ll have a glass of milk or coffee with milk and sugar in between. Maybe some fruit or a date or two. Sometimes cheese. For dinner I have oyster stew, or shrimp or Cari’s smashed potatoe or my milk and oj smoothie, I don’t eat muscle meat in the Eve. Another snack of gelatin, ice cream, or date. I make Cari’s oj Gatorade and sip throughout day and Eve.

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