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Home Forums Forum Weight Gain From Stress

  • This topic has 31 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Anonymous.
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    Zack Vegas

      When I went back over my own life, it seems that times of quick weight gain usually happened either right after a stressful event (like a surgery), a change in lifestyle that triggered higher cortisol levels (like a change in work shift, to early morning hours), or a move to a lower altitude.  I read a study a while back that stated that cortisol levels are higher in almost all overweight and obese people, while testosterone is lower in men (it was higher in women, but didn’t mention progesterone, which I would think would be more important in women).  Stress and stress hormones seem to be a very big factor, but also a mostly overlooked one.


      “Low cholesterol is very commonly involved in the diseases of stress, and–like inadequate dietary protein–will make the system less responsive to supplementary thyroid hormone.” -Ray Peat


        This is fascinating especially in light of all those “cholesterol lowering” drugs out there.  People with heart problems still believe cholesterol – meats and fats – is the cause; my father for one.  He even had heart surgery but gobbles up that PUFA like margarine because…you know…saturated fats.  Today only a determined and brave soul seeking truth walks away from these narratives we have been “sold”.


        @Lollipop “This is fascinating especially in light of all those “cholesterol lowering” drugs out there.  People with heart problems still believe cholesterol – meats and fats – is the cause; my father for one.  He even had heart surgery but gobbles up that PUFA like margarine because…you know…saturated fats.  Today only a determined and brave soul seeking truth walks away from these narratives we have been “sold”.


        This is what I thought too Lollipop reading this Ray Peat quote for the first time last night. No wonder they are struggling with their weight and getting sicker. Not only that, but even the medical system admits that these cholesterol lowering medications are causing memory issues as do antidepressants. Rather than care about patients and take them off of them they give them more medications for the dementia! I am sickened by it all because some of the people I love the most in my life are on both of these medications and I am seeing memory loss. There is just no convincing them.

        “Dietitians often recommend eating poached salmon, rather than “red meat,” to lower cholesterol. Experimenters have measured the toxic oxidized cholesterol in different foods prepared in a variety of ways. Steaming salmon produced several times as much oxidized cholesterol as frying it, because of the longer cooking time that allowed the polyunsaturated fatty acids to break down, producing toxins such as acrolein and free radicals that oxidize the cholesterol and other components of the fish. The toxic cholesterol content of the steamed salmon was much higher than that of beef cooked at a high temperature.

        When oxidized polyunsaturated oils, such as corn oil or linoleic acid, are added to food, they appear in the blood lipids, where they accelerate the formation of cholesterol deposits in arteries (Staprans, et al., 1994, 1996).

        Stress accelerates the oxidation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, so people who consume unsaturated vegetable oils and fish will have some oxidized cholesterol in their tissues. The constant turnover of cholesterol in the tissues tends to lower the proportion of the toxic oxidized degradation products of cholesterol, but in hypothyroidism, the use of cholesterol is slowed, allowing the toxic forms to accumulate.” -Ray Peat


        ”In the last 20 years, there have been many studies showing that lowering cholesterol increases mortality, especially from cancer and suicide, and that people with naturally low cholesterol are more likely to die from cancer, suicide, trauma, and infections than people with normal or higher than average cholesterol.“ -Ray Peat


          @Cari  This is a good one!!

          ”In the last 20 years, there have been many studies showing that lowering cholesterol increases mortality, especially from cancer and suicide, and that people with naturally low cholesterol are more likely to die from cancer, suicide, trauma, and infections than people with normal or higher than average cholesterol.“ -Ray Peat


          • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Lollipop.

          @DozingAnt “In thinking about the options, we don’t have raw milk available here in FL and  low fat milk is supplemented with D and A vitamins.  Since it’s a trade off are there ways to mitigate the added synthetic vitamins….eggshell calcium/low fat cheese perhaps instead of milk?   I opt to drink the whole milk but notice I have to carefully balance fats to maintain weight so doubt that’s a good choice for her.  Always grateful for all the kind suggestions offered.”

          Although I drink raw whole milk I skim off the top of the milk. When I couldn’t get raw I would mix whole milk, which did not have added vitamins, with skim milk. This way I was cutting out half of that nefarious added stuff.


            @Cari Excellent suggestion, thank you, Cari!

            How true about cholesterol!  Our current dietary guidelines are overlooking the positive role it plays in our metabolism!


            “In the hormonal environment dominated by estrogen, mild stresses such as exertion, or even restless sleep, allow toxins (and sometimes bacteria) from the intestine to enter the bloodstream, triggering a complex chain of events that create a systemic inflammatory state.” -Ray Peat


              @Cari – Continuing the low cholesterol conversation, look at this study Haidut posted on his website: Low Thyroid, Cholesterol and Vit D/K connected with Depression and Suicide:



              @Lollipop “Continuing the low cholesterol conversation, look at this study Haidut posted on his website: Low Thyroid, Cholesterol and Vit D/K connected with Depression and Suicide”

              said here….
              “The results found that the participants who had attempted suicide expressed markedly lower levels of FT4 (free thyroxine), total cholesterol (TC), vitamin D and vitamin K.”

              It is no wonder that cholesterol blocking meds would cause mental instability and dementia. Our brains are made up of roughly 60% fat and a lot of the fats we eat goes to feeding our brains.

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