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Home Forums Forum Questforhealths plant-based diet thread

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      “Vegetarians often notice temporary exhilaration when they stop eating meat, probably because their thyroid has been suppressed. But a more serious hypothyroid state often follows, from a low protein inadequate vegetarian diet. Low protein diets definitely interfere with the liver’s ability to detoxify estrogen and other stressors.”—Ray Peat

      Zack Vegas

        “Also about endotoxin apparently saturated fat or fats in general can cause endotoxemia? so more points for low fat?

        https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/41/8/1732/36380/Saturated-Fat-Is-More-Metabolically-Harmful-for @Zack vegas”

        If you are going to look at studies, you need to actually read them to see if they are relevant, or valid to the point you are trying to make.  Science is never done in a vacuum, and there has been a campaign to demonize Saturated Fat and promote high PUFA oils going on since the 1970s.  This study was done during that time, and published by an organization that promotes this view.  So already, you need to be on guard.

        The section that describes the diets shows why this study can’t be used to support the idea that Saturated Fat increases endotoxin-

        “The overfeeding diets were provided to participants and consisted in the SAT group of 30 g coconut oil, 40 g butter, **and 100 g 40% fat containing blue cheese** as extra energy per day; in the UNSAT group of 36 g olive oil, 26 g pesto, 54 g pecan nuts, and 20 g butter; and in the CARB group of 2.8 dL orange juice, 4.3 dL sugar-sweetened beverage, and 200 g candy.”

        Blue cheese is moldy cheese, by definition.  100g is roughly 3.5 ounces, which is a pretty big serving size.  This is a massive confounder, as the other two groups did not feature any additional fermented foods, or foods deliberately loaded up with mold during processing.  Why didn’t they use a rennet based and more commonly eaten cheese like cheddar?  Unless the goal was to rig the study, and then draw absurd conclusions?

        This study does not support the idea that saturated fat itself increases endotoxin.  It supports the idea that saturated fat plus a fermented food loaded with mold (and likely a lot of endotoxin itself) will increase endotoxin.


          Im not so sure about saturated fat being bad. But high fat diets can be bad.

          the main thing I dont eat at all anymore is red meat. Too much iron for a peaty diet I think. or organs. But im not convinced about dairy being awful

          too much iron is linked to fatty liver and insulin resistance and red meat does have a lot… also red meat itself is linked to fatty liver unlike dairy which even the mainstream studies say dairy can help with NAFLD… Maybe the methionine in red meat is too much. also wholemilk doesnt have that much saturated fat to be honest

          also people with fatty liver have high BCAA in the blood which could come from dairy but could also be poor metabolism of amino acids?? hmmm

          I’m going to try find a peat friendly B12 supplement. Or eat oysters. I know peat isn’t for supplements in terms of megadosing or anything but small amounts of B vitamins can be ok? Maybe I can find a ‘natural’ b12 supplement.

          also I dont agree about saturated fat for cholesterol… or fruit.. sure w e c an eat those things to raise our cholesterol but doesn’t our liver make like 80 percent of what we need if we eat enough calories?

          I am upset peat didn’t ever really mention medicinal substances in fruits and vegetables… I’ve been eating raw onions recently and they really improve my hearing.

          I’m starting to feel more masculine now on a low iron low fat vegan diet defatting my liver by drinking coffee, taking vitamin E (the ONE supplement peat actually recommended??) and eating leafy greens which peat did  like but I know he boiled them in water but I like the fibre

          The other night I drank milk  and it was well… Bad.. I think I’ve lost my lactose tolerance now


          Zack Vegas

            “the main thing I dont eat at all anymore is red meat. Too much iron for a peaty diet I think. or organs. But im not convinced about dairy being awful”

            Red meat is one of the highest sources of iron in the diet (outside of fortification), but the amount of iron isn’t crazy high.  It’s got less iron than chocolate, on a gram for gram or calorie for calorie basis.  Much less than oysters, on the same basis.  Similar to some dried fruits, like apricots.  I would think Ray Peat himself would be a better source for what a “peaty diet” is, and he often spoke mostly favorably about red meat, and did eat red meat himself.  It can certainly be incorporated regularly into such a diet.

            “I am upset peat didn’t ever really mention medicinal substances in fruits and vegetables… I’ve been eating raw onions recently and they really improve my hearing.”

            What are you talking about?  He mentioned such things regularly.  As an example-

            Ray Peat wrote thousands of pages of articles over the years, and gave several hundreds of hours of interviews in the last decade of his life.  Even just doing a little bit of searching through his youtube interviews and articles posted on Raypeat.com can bring up his views on any number of health topics.

            With the sheer volume of work the man left, it would be folly to assume that he never talked about or wasn’t aware of a particular issue.  Some topics might be harder to find than others (again, he left so much), but that’s the benefit of forums like this.  If you are having trouble finding his views on something, you can post a thread asking a question, and others can often direct you to the relevant interview or article.


              hmm I like celery and parsley that is nice to know


                This Penn State educated nutritionist says homemade ice cream is healthier than salads and spinach. Ray Peat said these things so many decades ago. Now with so many paid for studies it is hard for a person to know who’s right. I pay more attention to the highly educated people who go against the medical industry norm. 👏👏👏



                  but whats wrong wtih spinach? plenty of iron and vitamin B9

                  theres times I get depressed and only vegetables fix it

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