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  • This topic has 104 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by Cari.
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  • #2340

    “One of the reasons that the single meal eaters tend to get fat and diabetic, is that it triggers a great surge of insulin, and the insulin then triggers cortisol. If you can eat foods that don’t trigger insulin, that’s the ideal thing. And fruit happens to be the best single type of food for not triggering the stress reactions, because it combines very small amounts of protein, with large amounts of sugar and minerals. Potassium happens to handle sugar in place of insulin, and the fructose component of fruit doesn’t require insulin. So, eating a lot of fruit, even at one meal a day, produces much smaller amounts of insulin, obesity, and cortisol, than eating, for example, just one big meal of meat and potatoes. Meat powerfully stimulates insulin and cortisol. And starches are more stimulating to insulin than sugars.” -Ray Peat


    I found this looking after I had read elsewhere that Starbucks puts MSG in their black coffee…

    “The food additive MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate) is a slow poison. MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such as “Natural Flavoring.” MSG is even in your favorite coffee from Tim Horton’s and Starbucks coffee shops!

    John Erb, a research assistant at the University of Waterloo in Ontario , Canada , and spent years working for the government. He made an amazing discovery while going through scientific journals for a book he was writing called The Slow Poisoning of America.

    In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so scientists have to create them. They make these creatures morbidly obese by injecting them with MSG when they are first born. The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats (and perhaps humans) to become obese.

    Go into your kitchen and check the cupboards and the refrigerator. MSG is in everything — the Campbell’s soups, the Hostess, Doritos, the Lays flavored potato chips, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared meals, and Kraft salad dressings, especially the “healthy low-fat”ones…

    The items that didn’t have MSG marked on the product label had something called “Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein,” which is just another name for Mono-sodium Glutamate.

    It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children everyday are filled with this stuff. MSG is hidden under many different names in order to fool those who read the ingredient list, so that they don’t catch on. (Other names for MSG are “Accent, “Aginomoto,” “Natura l Meat Tenderizer,” etc.)

    But it didn’t stop there..“




      On my Instagram I had a request to post what I eat to lose weight and because I am not trying to lose weight I thought I would post some of my days from when I was and here is one…



      I hadn’t had a chance to post my last two days of food, which I was down .6 pound on each day for a total now a solid 7 pounds of weight loss in the last 6 or so weeks. It seems the more I eat, with the fat low and calcium, protein and sugar high, i get bigger and more steady amounts of weight loss now, meaning not so many fluctuation up and down from day to day. Here is Thursdays food and below is yesterday!

      10/28 – Thursday down .6 pound with this food the next morning

      *1 cup brewed coffee w/1/3 cup frothed skimmed milk & sugar
      3 protein/11% calcium

      *2 scoop gelatin & fresh mint tea w/whipped honey & 2 lightly cooked egg yolks in butter
      17 protein/

      *1/3 pound butter sauteed wild jumbo Mexican white shrimp w/hot sauce & spoonful whipped honey
      31 protein/7% calcium

      *2 cups skimmed raw milk
      20 protein/70% calcium

      *2 cups skimmed raw mik w/chocolate truffle
      20 protein/70% calcium

      *3 baby potatoes w/watercress & EVOO

      *1 oz macadamias w/oz fresh pressed apple & purple carrot juice
      4 protein

      *3/4 sprouted brown rice crispies w/ one cup whole raw milk
      12 protein/35% calcium

      TOTAL 107 protein/193% calcium

      • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Cari.

        “In recent years there have been studies showing that regular milk drinkers are less fat than people who don’t drink it. Although the high quality protein and saturated fat undoubtedly contribute to milk’s anti-obesity effect, the high calcium content is probably the main factor.” -Ray Peat


          “The metabolic rate (eating more without gaining extra weight) and ability to regulate body temperature are increased by early tryptophan deprivation. (Ashley and Curzon, 1981; Segall and Timiras, 1975.) The ability to oxidize sugar is impaired by serotonin, and several drugs with antiserotonin actions are being used to treat diabetes and its complications, such as hypertension, obesity, and foot ulcers.” Ray Peat



            Below is yesterday’s foods which had the scale down today. It was my highest recorded calcium intake to date. I was really wondering how ice cream and custard in the same day would play out, but my body loved it! In the last few days I have experimented with meat with cheese, potatoes, sprouted brown rice, meat and cheese with less dairy and they all had the scale inching upwards. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I was gaining fat, but eating almost 100 grams of protein and the scale going down surely means I was losing fat. Had the scale gone down on a lot less fat could have meant I was losing muscle….

            *2 cups brewed coffee w/skinned cream & sugar

            *custard w/2 TB gelatin (boiled water, sugar & salt)
            17 protein/17% calcium

            *2 cups skimmed raw milk w/1 oz macadamia halves
            24 protein/70% calcium

            -2 cups skimmed raw milk w/chocolate
            20 protein/70% calcium

            *2 pieces candied ginger

            *2/3+ cup homemade orange zest vanilla ice cream
            11 protein/35% calcium

            *2 oz top sirloin steak w/ 1 oz goat cheese, arugula & 1 tsp lemon EVOO
            14 protein/2% calcium

            *bamboo shoots w/orange peel and sugar

            TOTAL: 86 protein/194% calcium



              Here is yeaterday’s food report, which has the scale down…..

              -2 cups brewed coffee w/sugar & raw skimmed cream

              -1 tablespoon honey (first) w/2 butter fried egg yolks & 1 cup gelatinous oxtail broth
              16 protein

              -1 dark chocolate truffle (first) w/2 cups skimmed raw milk
              20 protein/70% calcium

              – 1 oz mozzarella w/fresh verde sauce & 1/4 cup ricotta
              13 protein/25% calcium

              -1 cup blueberry/raspberry juice with 1.5 teaspoons sugar

              -7 ounces baked cod w/butternut squash
              35+ protein

              -1 cup skimmed raw milk
              10 protein/35% calcium

              *Total 94 protein/130% calcium
              *I was done eating by 8:00
              *I should have done better getting more sugar sources in during the day
              *I did get 40 minutes sunshine, had niacinimide and a vitamin K suppliment (not usual for me) and Progest-E at bedtime



                Here is my e-mail to Dr. Peat…
                “…. is it better to eat BEFORE you get hungry or eat when you ARE hungry?”

                RAY PEAT:
                “When hungry..”


                  15+ years ago I drank rosemary tea everyday for a year. I put the dried leaves in a coffee press with chickweed and rose hips, iced it and sipped on it all day. It really curbed my appetite. I originally took the rosemary to cure a heart issue so I wouldn’t have to take the heart meds prescribed to me and it did the trick, and I flushed the meds down the toilet, but I swore by this tea for weight loss. I knew chickweed was good for weight loss and is why I put it in my blend, but now I am reading rosemary is good for weight loss too. I made a pitcher of it the other day sun brewed style and coincidentally I feel lighter and more energetic the last couple of days too. I put the peels of a couple of lemon in my brew and added the juice of fresh pressed boysenberries to a glass of it yesterday. I am going to keep on with this cold rosemary tea idea.  I have been reading about the many powerful abilities rosemary has to offer and I want them all!…

                  “One animal study noted that rosemary prevented weight gain among rats, even those fed a high fat diet.”



                    “In a small study with 25 women, drinking white grape juice daily for 30 days increased levels of HDL (good) cholesterol by 16% and decreased belly fat.”


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                  Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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