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    peater wabbit

      Sorry I disappeared for awhile. I needed to get my head wrapped around what I was doing. I have finally settled on a primarily fruit and milk only diet. For the past few days I have only been drinking milk but I will add fruit in as I want.

      I got off track but I have been back at it for only a few days. I have been reading The Milk Cure and of course Ray’s works on milk and fruit/juice. Not much to report yet. Lost maybe one lb. but I feel not so anxious and like I am getting a handle on this.

      I have been hooked on energy drinks forever but I am weaning myself away from them and milk is taking away the desire. I used to have at least 2 or 3 energy drinks a day and now I am down to one. I love caffeine so I am shifting to having a Starbucks cold bottled coffee. I pour half a bottle (approx. 5 oz) into a glass and fill the rest with milk. That way I get my caffeine without all of the icky ingredients. I also have hot coffee and add collagen for extra protein. I am trying to keep my protein at 100 grams or higher a day.

      That’s all for now. I will try and be more diligent about posting and it looks like you are getting more and more members! Congrats! Carry on!


        Fruit and milk are the main part of my diet, too. I am fairly pleased with this. I don’t feel 100 percent, but then no combination has produced that yet for me.


        I think your move away from energy drinks is the right direction. How could they ever be the answer? I was a diet-soda addict for sure, and breaking that addiction was not a breeze. But I am so glad I am off that stuff.


          @peater wabbit  I am doing the same getting back to milk, fresh extracted fruit juices, egg yolks and shrimp mostly. I started eating meat more the past couple of weeks and it seems like it makes me feel heavier. The last few days I started making myself cold brewed coffee with cold raw milk instead of the hot brewed kind. I was feeling like the hot coffee was weighing me down too. This cold brewed way allows me to put a lot more milk in too so I don’t have to eat first thing in the morning. Cold brewed coffee has more caffeine and is also 2/3 less acidic. It is interesting how these little things matter…

          “Cold-brewed coffee: Is easier on your stomach. Coffee is very acidic, and drinking too much of it can irritate the stomach and aggravate certain conditions like indigestion, GERD, and irritable bowel syndrome. Cold-brewing coffee creates a cup that’s almost two-thirds less acidic than its hot brewed counterpart.“


          Here is my e-mail answer from Ray Peat about energy drinks…

          “Coffee is the best energy drink. Anything acidic in cans is risky.” -Ray Peat

          • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Cari.

            “A diet of milk and fruit, or milk and meat, provides a nutritional balance with generous amounts of calcium and magnesium. Leafy vegetables are a very rich source of magnesium, but they are also a potential source of large amounts of lead and other toxins. -Ray Peat


              “Feeding animals a normal diet with the addition of Coca-Cola, or with a similar amount of sucrose, has been found to let them increase their calorie intake by 50% without increasing their weight gain (Bukowiecki, et al., 1983). Although plain sucrose can alleviate the metabolic suppression of an average diet, the effect of sugars in the diet is much more likely to be healthful in the long run when they are associated with an abundance of minerals, as in milk and fruit, which provide potassium and calcium and other protective nutrients.

              Avoiding the starches such as cereals and beans, and using fruits as a major part of the diet helps to minimize the effects of the polyunsaturated fats.“ -Ray Peat


                I’m not positive, but, drinking coffee without milk and/or sugar tends to be more acidic on the stomach. With the addition of milk/sugar, those may protect the stomach from the acidity of coffee. Life Extension sells an easy on the stomach coffee. The method of the coffee being easy on the stomach is by adding the natural antioxidants found in coffee back to the coffee beans after they have been roasted. The coffee beans are soaked in water, how long I don’t know; then the beans are separated from the water. The water is saved. After the coffee beans are roasted they are added back to the water where they cool down and reabsorb the antioxidants that were extracted initially when the beans were soaked.


                  Does anyone here find supermarket milk feels like pure poison to drink? I don’t know what they do to that milk but it feels like  it coats the inside of the stomach and your mouth and it just doesn’t digest properly.

                  I don’t know if its something they add or if its about homogenised vs unhomogenised. But the milk I get in the small town shop that is organic, even from the SAME BRAND, SAME FARM as the one you find in the supermarket, is like drinking a completely different substance. It’s not even the same thing… How strange.


                  peater wabbit

                    I drink organic supermarket milk and I love it.

                    I am adding in fatty ground beef. Why? Cause I love it! So, meat, milk, coffee with sugar, some fruit, some eggs. What I am doing now ain’t working! I may be undereating. Will check back after I give it a whirl for awhile.



                      ‘A recent study suggests that eating higher levels of dairy fat is linked with a lower risk of heart and circulatory diseases.’

                      ‘They found that people with higher blood levels of two types of fatty acids found in dairy (heptadecanoic and pentadecanoic) had the lowest risk of heart and circulatory diseases. Another type of fatty acid found in dairy (Trans-palmitoleic acid), wasn’t linked with reduced risk.’

                      I know peat liked skim milk… But maybe theres an argument for whole? I like drinking whole. Especially the unhomogenised stuff thats all nice and yellow.


                        @questforhealth I saw that study and almost posted it 🙂 I also drink whole milk – low temp pasteurized, non homogenized.  It is the lowest temp allowed by law.  I do not have ready access to raw milk, but find this one is amazing and is from Amish and Mennonite farms.

                        my husband and I have been making our own cold brew for years and we add milk and my homemade vanilla syrup – oh so yummmmmy!  People who have tasted it have fallen in love with our morning cold brew.  We have every morning…

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