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    “Now, people who don’t want x-rays are treated as crackpots. Probably because of this cultural situation, Gofman’s recommendations are very mild–simply for doctors to use good technology and to know what they are doing, which could lead to ten-fold or even hundred-fold dose reduction. Even with such mild restraint in the use of diagnostic x-rays, Gofman’s well founded estimate is that 250,000 deaths caused by radiation could be prevented annually. I believe many more deaths would be prevented if ultrasound and MRI were used consistently instead of x-rays. Using Gofman’s estimate, I think we can blame at least ten million deaths on just the medical x-rays that have been used inappropriately because of the policies of the U.S. government in the last half century. That wouldn’t include the deaths caused by radioactive fallout from bomb tests and leaks from nuclear power plants, or the vast numbers of people mentally impaired by all sorts of toxic radiation.” -Ray Peat



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