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    “I do have a big patch of red potatoes  in the garden. I used to get pretty depressed eating a meat and potatoes diet though until I ate some vegetables from the garden and it always instantly lifts my mood? Would that be folate??

    maybe i can try this vegetarian stuff and if it ends up bad i go back to eating dairy and meat… but then dairy makes me smell like rotten cheese.. I must be lactose intolerant.. i dont have much choice left really other than seafood and meat”

    I don’t eat meat and potatoes together. I don’t eat red meat or chicken much either generally, not for any other reason than I am on an anti-aging protocol and red meat and chicken is not optimal for that. Try your non-starchy buttered red potatoes away from meat with some well cooked broccoli. That is a really good, tasty and “Peaty” meal.



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