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Home Forums Forum Steak N Shake announces they will start using Beef Tallow

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      “It’s time to Make Frying Oil Tallow Again.” – Robert F Kennedy Jr.

      Looks like that is starting to happen.  Steak and Shake announced that all their restaurants will be using tallow by the end of February 2025.  That’s pretty soon, especially when you are talking about a chain with 500 restaurants-


      And look at this giant quote in the middle of the article-

      “Saturated animal fats were thought to be unhealthy, but we have since discovered that seed oils are one of the driving causes of the obesity epidemic.”

      Just…. awesome.  I’m sure Ray Peat is smiling, wherever he is in the Neutrino Sea.


        Hey Zack!!  That is awesome 👏🏻 Best news of the day!

        Now I need to go see if there are any near me.  I will go support them for sure in March.

        The quote is unbelievable coming from a MSM outlet…

        Making me smile…




          I saw a post about that on X. I had not heard of this chain before. But someone asked them to clean up the rest of their menu items–the usual baddies were there, titanium dioxide, gums, and so on. But I think this is still good news. Hopefully it’s a trend.

          A chain that is the first to really clean up their menu could make bank, I think.




            Lilac- As far as I’m concerned, the High PUFA seed Oils are THE worst ingredient in the food supply today, bar none.  The other things you mention are fairly minor by comparison.  The seed oils probably represent 50% of the problem with modern foods, added iron probably about 35-40%, and all the rest combined are about 10-15%.  That’s my rough estimate.  I’m still going to prepare the vast majority of my meals at home, so if I could go to a place that fries in beef tallow and also avoided added iron, I wouldn’t worry about any of the other minor issues.

            And don’t forget, the high PUFA seed oils REQUIRE a lot of the additives that you are concerned about.  Eliminating this one problem with naturally eliminate some of the other issues.


              Hi Zack and @Lilac Speaking of PUFA – I tried out Angel Acres eggs.  Amazing how good they are!  I was concerned about them being shipped,  but they have a solid packing system.  I am impressed.  They ship 4 cartons.  I thought it would take me a month or month and a half and after 3 weeks, I am going to buy another box.  I boil them and bring two a day to work for my lunch along with a few macadamia nuts and some Jarlsberg cheese or a few radishes – sort of a homemade lunchable.  After these eggs there is no sense of heaviness at all.  They are light.  It is crazy how heavy and bloated and full PUFA makes you feel.  Also after eating that low PUFA bacon,  I am satisfied after just a few pieces not like other bacon that increases your cravings to eat more.


                Interview with the COO of Steak N Shake-

                He actually brings up a point that <span class=”atwho-inserted” contenteditable=”false” data-atwho-at-query=”@li”>@Lilac</span> raised.  Apparently, the company has been looking to switch to Beef Tallow for a while now, but couldn’t find a supplier that had an “all natural” tallow with no additives or preservatives, but finally found one that did, so that is part of the timing of the switch.  With about 500 restaurants, making a supply or ingredient change is a pretty major thing, and it does make sense that they would want to make the change all at once.  They probably want a relationship with a supplier that would last decades, hence why they wouldn’t want to do multiple changes in within a few years of each other.


                  @Zack-Vegas A tallow without preservatives?! So a company can say they fry in tallow and that doesn’t quite mean what we think? It reminds me of when I first found out that wild caught frozen shrimp has more than one ingredient. 😩


                    @Zack It’s amazing to go on X and see “seed oils” demonized by famous people, non-famous health accounts, and ordinary folks. I think this calls for a: RAY PEAT, RIGHT AGAIN!

                    I will take a look at Angel Acres website. I wonder if the sisters are still doing the farm work, however. On a recent two-part Youtube about the diet they went on, they talked about how sedentary their life has been. The diet videos were interesting for Peaters. Though the coach they hired was a bit hard to follow. I mean, after the diet phase is over, you start adding back calories…1 gram of fat at a time? Who could gauge that? LOL!

                    What other ingredients are in frozen shrimp? I generally don’t use them, but I am intrigued.

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