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      Ray Peat warned about the dangers of all the extra iron added to our food supply. He said iron being a heavy metal is a root cause of so many diseases. It is concerning that these nano particles found in Coke and Pepsi, and other foods causes extra iron retention in the body…

      “Foodborne nanoparticles (NPs) have drawn great attention due to human health concerns. This study reports the detection of the presence of fluorescent NPs, about 5 nm, in two of the most popular beverages, Coca-Cola (Coke) and Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi).”

      “No obvious organ damage or apparent histopathological abnormality was observed in the tested mice. The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain. In vitro digestion of the NPs showed a significant fluorescence quenching of the NPs. This work represents the first report of foodborne fluorescent NPs present in Coke and Pepsi, and provides valuable insights into physicochemical properties of these NPs and their toxicity characteristics both in vitro and in vivo.”



      “Billions of engineered nanoparticles in foods and pharmaceuticals are ingested by humans daily, and new Cornell research warns they may be more harmful to health than previously thought.”

      ”A research collaboration led by Michael Shuler, the Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Chemical Engineering and the James and Marsha McCormick Chair of Biomedical Engineering, studied how large doses of polystyrene nanoparticles — a common, FDA-approved material found in substances from food additives to vitamins — affected how well chickens absorbed iron, an essential nutrient, into their cells.

      The results were reported online Feb. 12 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

      According to the study, high-intensity, short-term exposure to the particles initially blocked iron absorption, whereas longer-term exposure caused intestinal cell structures to change, allowing for a compensating uptick in iron absorption.”



      Q: You believe iron is a deadly substance. Why?

      Ray Peat: ”Iron is a potentially toxic heavy metal. In excess, it can cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.”

      Q: Could you tell us about some of these studies?

      Ray Peat: “In the 1960s the World Health Organization found that when iron supplements were given to anemic people in Africa, there was a great increase in the death rate from infectious diseases, especially malaria. Around the same time, research began to show that the regulation of iron is a central function of the immune system, and that this seems to have evolved because iron is a basic requirement for the survival and growth of cells of all types, including bacteria, parasites, and cancer. The pioneer researcher in the role of iron in immunity believed that an excess of dietary iron contributed to the development of leukemia and lymphatic cancers. Just like lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel and other heavy metals, stored iron produces destructive free radicals. The harmful effects of iron-produced free radicals are practically indistinguishable from those caused by exposure to X-rays and gamma rays; both accelerate the accumulation of age-pigment and other signs of aging. Excess iron is a crucial element in the transformation of stress into tissue damage by free radicals.

      For about 50 years, it has been known that blood transfusions damage immunity, and excess iron has been suspected to be one of the causes for this. People who regularly donate blood, on the other hand, have often been found to be healthier than non-donors, and healthier than they were before they began donating.“

      “Excess iron’s role in infectious diseases is now well established, and many recent studies show that it is involved in degenerative brain diseases, such as Parkinson’s, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Huntington’s chorea, and Alzheimer’s disease. Iron is now believed to have a role in skin aging, atherosclerosis, and cataracts of the lenses of the eyes, largely through its formation of the “age pigment.”

      Q: How does excess iron accelerate our aging process?

      Ray Peat: “During aging, our tissues tend to store an excess of iron. There is a remarkably close association between the amount of iron stored in our tissues and the risk of death from cancer, heart disease, or from all causes. This relationship between iron and death rate exists even during childhood, but the curve is downward until the age of 12, and then it rises steadily until death. The shape of this curve, representing the iron burden, is amazingly similar to the curves representing the rate of death in general, and the rate of death from cancer. There is no other relationship in biology that I know of that has this peculiar shape, with its minimum at the age of 12, and its maximum in old age at the time of death.“


        “Nanotechnology exploits the fact that nanoparticles exhibit unique physicochemical properties, which are distinct from larger particles of the same composition. It follows that nanoparticles may also express distinct bioactivity and unique interactions with biological systems. Therefore, it is essential to assess the potential health risks of exposure to nanoparticles to allow development and implementation of prevention measures. One of the biggest challenges facing the field of nanotoxicology is the huge variety of different nanoparticle types possessing a variety of properties. Genetic Luciferase Reporter System or Reporter gene assay has become an invaluable tool in studies of gene expression. This is achieved by linking the firefly luciferase gene to a promoter sequence. Luciferase assays are quick, highly sensitive, have wide dynamic range, and are cheap to perform. Because of their simplicity and versatility, and because of the absence of endogenous luciferase activity in most cell types, this test can be applied for testing a large variety of nanomaterials for their pathogenic or carcinogenetic effects on a wide range of mammalian cells. This system is an ideal early-stage toxicology tool for screening nanomaterials. Here we describe the Genetic Luciferase Reporter System as the method for detecting alteration of gene expression in response to external stimuli (e.g., nanoparticles).”



          “Quantum rods and luciferase enzymes are nanomaterials and biomaterials, respectively.”

          “Our nanorods are made of the same materials used in computer chips, solar panels and LED [light-emitting diode] lights. At the moment, our system works best in the red to near-infrared range, which has longer wavelengths than visible light, and is invisible to the eye,” he says, alluding to night-vision goggles, medical imaging and rapid microbial detection. “Our work is patent-pending at Syracuse. Perhaps, we’ll someday have firefly-covered nanorods that can be inserted into LED lights and don’t require a plug.”“

          Chemists Combine Biology, Nanotechnology to Create Alternate Energy Source


            Why would they put an acidic beverage into a vessel made of a known neurotoxin for consumption that has a systemic bio distribution? Given that the beverage has a high sugar content and the brain’s preferred energy source is glucose.
            Micro plastic is a newer problem in that they break down into small enough pieces that they could enter cells, and tend to collect in organs. Plastics start to breakdown at fifty seven degrees Fahrenheit, I would be wary of any bottled water in plastic vessels since they tend not to be refrigerated in storage, shipping, and retailers do not refrigerate them generally.


              This article by A Midwestern Doctor was posted by Dr Mercola. I first heard about the zeta potential with regards to the COVID-19 gene therapies shots. Pfizer has a requirement that their shots have a zeta potential of being neutral to slightly negative. But it appears that this issue affects traditional vaccines also, in terms of aluminum having a positive charge this would probably apply to mercury used in traditional vaccines as well.

              Do Vaccines Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases?


                @J.R.K. “Pfizer has a requirement that their shots have a zeta potential of being neutral to slightly negative. But it appears that this issue affects traditional vaccines also, in terms of aluminum having a positive charge this would probably apply to mercury used in traditional vaccines as well.“

                Isn’t’ a positive charge a negative thing?


                  If the charge is positive in context of the lipid nanoparticle in the COVID-19 gene therapies if there is a positive charge I believe that it will go to the lungs, if it is a negative charge in excess this will lead to clot formation, think in terms of the long fibrin clots that the embalmers are reporting. There is a very small window of tolerance for these two possibilities to not occur. Neither are ideal and is one of the reasons that this platform requires twenty four seven observation by medical staff when administered for its original purpose in cancer treatment experimentation.


                    Body art has become popular in today’s modern world, and while the artistic value and the subsequent uniqueness associated with this type of art is of pleasing asthetic value, it may come with increased risks to health. More study is required but tattoos do fade over time as a result of macrophages efforts to remove a foreign invader from.the body, the breakdown, removal and transport to the liver for detoxification may lead to an increased risk of lymphoma, presumably these substances would be toxic to other organs as well including hepatotoxicity in trying to remove the offending toxins.





                      Hepatic Detoxification of Bisphenol A is Retinoid-Dependent

                      Oral supplementation with retinyl acetate restored phase I and phase II enzyme activities, but accelerated BPA-induced oxidative damage through enhancement of non-mitochondrial ROS production. Thus, the activities of the enzymes involved in the hepatic elimination of BPA require hepatic retinoid stores. The extent of hepatic damage that arises from acute BPA intoxication is directly affected by retinoid administration during the period of BPA exposure and hepatic retinoid stores that have accumulated over the lifetime of the organism.

                      eat your liver and you wont die


                      I might try liver again after being on a little  vegetarian experiment stuffing my face with beans and rice.

                      but then the liver I buy is packed in plastic



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