Sherry Cream Mushrooms with fresh nettles and egg

This was a real tasty egg. I used mushrooms that I had set out in the sun for a couple of days to absorb lots of extra vitamin D. I bought another bunch of mushrooms yesterday to have this again with mushrooms that that didn’t soak up all the sauce, but nevertheless the flavor was still there.

If you don’t have fresh nettle some fresh arugula would be a nice substitute. I grow nettles and use them whenever I can for so many benefits. I have to wear gloves when picking them and getting the leaves into a colander to give them a rinse.

This recipe is for one person. Start by washing your choice of tender greens and mushrooms, about seven of them. Slice the mushrooms and mince some onions. Melt a little butter in a pan, maybe a tablespoon worth and add in the mushrooms and onions and season with salt. Sauté this for about 5 minutes and add in the fresh nettle leaves. I covered the pan at this point to make sure the nettles get cooked well to disarm the stingers. It took me a long time to get the nerve up to eat fresh nettles because those stingers hurt. Now that I am use to them I don’t freak out when one gets me. If I do get stung by a nettle leaf I just make a baking soda and water paste and rub it in. It works like a charm!

When the 8 minutes are almost up get your egg frying. Once the eight minutes are up add into the pan one teaspoon of dry sherry. I use Bartley & Gibson’s very dry sherry. Stir that in for about 30 seconds and then add in 1/4 cup of chicken broth and 2 tablespoons of cream. Finish frying up your egg and serve it topped with the mushroom mixture.

Here is an email exchange between Ray Peat and myself on March 3rd, 2022..

Me: “I only have fruit about every other day, so
would I be getting enough vitamin C from
dairy, seafood, meat and eggs? I thought the
rosehips could be an emergency vitamin C

Ray Peat:
“Those foods (vegetables, too) provide
adequate vitamin C.’

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Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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