I quit eating tuna years ago because I was having heavy metal build-up issues from eating so much of it. I loved it with mayonnaise and Sriracha, but I don’t eat mayonnaise anymore either because of it’s high PUFA content. Today though I was in a mood for it and feeling my creative juices flowing and this was a success!

I had a can of tuna in the refrigerator and without too much else to choose from I decided to splurge on the tuna. I wanted to try and get it as close to how I made it years ago, but without mayonnaise. The weather was warm here today and my refined coconut oil was real soft and runny so I put my drained can of low mercury tuna in a bowl and added in a tablespoon of the refined coconut oil and a tablespoon of cream cheese and mixed it together, breaking up the tuna with the back of a fork. I added in the zest of one lemon and some finely chopped sweet onion as well and some salt. This was so good! I think I like it better than the Best Foods mayonnaise version I use to love. I had it with some Yellow Bird Jalapeno Hot Sauce which is just like Sriracha, but without all the chemicals. Though I put my homegrown spoon tomatoes on top, I use to love chopped cilantro with my tuna salad. This works for losing weight because the tuna has hardly any fat in it and the added fats are unsaturated and not too much, and the refined coconut oil is especially good for fat loss. I liked the rainbow sprouts with it and though I thought I would use the lemon it didn’t need it. I am going to have this again for sure. I am so happy to feel good about getting to enjoy some tuna again once in awhile.
I made this and loved it so much. Simple, refreshing, tasty. Now I want to grow my own spoon tomatoes as well!
You go girl! Look at you making all this elevated food! I am so happy to see you in this section!