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  • barbparadise

      Very interesting article. I have been of the opinion for many years that the Cholesterol theory was used for big pharma to sell their drug of choice statins. Everybody I know is on it. I have never taken it or ever would. I’m appalled to think they considered putting it in our water supply. All the more reason to be careful what you eat or drink.

      in reply to: Shingles #2752

        @JRK, interesting technique. Definitely something that is good to know for future reference. Thanks for the information.

        in reply to: Shingles #2633

          jRK, good to know. I tried the combination both ways. Side by side and also waiting an hour between the two. I can’t say it helped the nerve pain at all. If I try again for a different type of pain, I’ll definitely wait at least an hour between.  Thanks

          in reply to: Shingles #2602

            Lollipop, I think I’ll get some zinc drink and keep it on hand, just in case. I’ll be able to recognize the beginning signs of shingles. Mine started with the nerve pain.

            in reply to: Shingles #2601

              I’ve been remembering to try the red light! This is my third day. I thought I saw some improvement after the first one but now I’m on day three and I can’t see much improvement. I’ll keep it up for a time and report back yay or nay.

              in reply to: Shingles #2549

                Thank you for the suggestions Lollipop.  I haven’t heard of zinc drink. Where do I find it?  I tried the 9000 mg of lysine about a week or two into my breakout. I only did it for 3 days then I reduced down to 6000 for a few days. I never saw an improvement so I quit. It may be that I didn’t start it right away.

                in reply to: Shingles #2548

                  Thanks Cari for the red light suggestion. I keep meaning to try the red light but forget to do it. I’ll have to make myself a note or a reminder alarm. The discomfort is mostly when I’m wearing clothes so once I dress down and get comfortable I forget. I hope it’ll work.

                  in reply to: Weight Gain From Stress #2511

                    First thing I have coffee with 1/2 cup milk and sugar.. one sometimes two.
                    I usually make what I call a smoothie with milk, oj, egg yolk, sugar, collagen for breakfast.  I usually mix in some supplements of calcium carbonate, niacin, energin(b). For lunch I will have muscle meat, sometimes liver, sometimes shrimp. I’ll have a fruit or veg like brocolli or squash, onion, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, okra etc. I’ll have a glass of milk or coffee with milk and sugar in between. Maybe some fruit or a date or two. Sometimes cheese. For dinner I have oyster stew, or shrimp or Cari’s smashed potatoe or my milk and oj smoothie, I don’t eat muscle meat in the Eve. Another snack of gelatin, ice cream, or date. I make Cari’s oj Gatorade and sip throughout day and Eve.

                    in reply to: Weight Gain From Stress #2468

                      I’ve always had low cholesterol. It runs in my family. I also struggle with being hypothyroid. That runs in my family too. I manage my thyroid myself with TyroMix from Ideal Labs. Is there ways to raise my cholesterol. I think it runs 160 or so now that I’m older. Maybe it’s not considered low in that range.

                      in reply to: Oral Red light therapy #2467

                        I think I’ll try using my red light before bed and see if I can tell a difference in my sleep.

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