This is a great meat combination for weight loss. It is a good day or early dinner meal. Use a lean cut of meat, and notice that it isn’t an enormous portion of meat? Fruits have their own protein as well. Zucchini and peppers are a fruit so this helps keep blood sugar levels just right throughout the day or evening. I make these veggies with refined coconut oil. I just cook them for ten minutes or so on a fairly high heat and then throw a little water, or bone broth, on the griddle and quick throw a lid on it. This steams the veggies. The sauce is coconut aminos with some chopped ginger, green onion, and salt. Protein is important for losing weight, but high calcium is a major component in fat loss and helps to speed up the metabolism to keep the fat off. So enjoy a little meat while losing weight, but try to get a lot of your protein from dairy.