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    @questforhealth Cari red meat must casue frustration and anger. Haven’t felt like this in months. ate lamb today and I’ve honestly smashed my keyboard when I saw people being stupid on the internet and now I can barely type because it doesnt work red meat just makes me feel rude, aggressive, depressed for absolutely no reason.”

    Like @J.R.L said meat isn’t working for you. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t do well on meat and almost everyone I know has trouble with grains and some do fruit with it’s fiber. Maybe you need a vegetarian forum where you have more like-minded people?


      I am talking about eating regeneratively grown old wheat varieties, it’s like the grass fed beef of the grain world. That’s what I’ve been eating.

      what better alternatives is there? economically and logistically speaking grains  are a good calorie source and the right type really doesn’t have to be bad. I guess fruit are pretty good though.  I was reading about how fruit are a healthier carb source than potatoes and actually how potatoes are awful for the environment and climate change

      animal products do cause a lot of disease Cari, you might be approaching a time in your life where it will cause you problems. Generations leading up to me were absolute gluttons, now I think it culminated in me being the one member of my family who actually can’t eat animal products anymore. after all Dr peat talked about generation inheritance of even non genetic issues.

      We cannot feed the world on beef and fruits, we will kill the planet and the environment with all that beef, we would have no nature left because we used all the land for grass fed beef, now fruits and beans and grains yeah that’s pretty great.

      Photic acid and anti nutrients sounds scientific but these things have their own health benefits and proper preparation of grains which Cari was talking about makes them a great food source

      properly grown, old varieties prepared the old ways to make nutrients more available really makes it better than 99 percent of things you can buy in a supermarket. So many people on earth still live in poverty, bread absolutely can be healthy, My parents spent so much money buying grass fed beef and dairy and it made me sicker, meanwhile cheap bread and garden vegetables, beans and some fruit jam is making me feel better

      this advice can be potentially dangerous, by the time I was done with this Peaty stuff my liver would burn and be inflamed. That is not meant to happen. In fact the meat I ate yesterday drastically worsened those symptoms when sugar in the right amounts doesn’t do that nor do any plant foods

      there is mountains of evidence linking excess  saturated fat and red meat specifically with liver disease, and animal products to heart disease (things in the animal products  that are not saturated fat cause heart disease) also excess cholesterol is awful and dangerous, of course we need some to make protective hormones but that doesn’t mean we are safe eating lots of fatty beef and eggs and full fat dairy.


        The same people that spout this anti grain stuff are connected to those who on the main forum used to say grains cause homosexuality. My god what? Maybe due to pesticides yeah but bread on its own? No



          Does it add or take away from who you are if people find grains harmful? The answer is no. Forget about it.


            its not everyone who grains are harmful for though. many people it can help. I  intuitively feel they might help Johan on this forum

            im a bit baffled if we ate bread for thousands of years and suddenly its a problem.. seems like something really went wrong  in the past hundred years or so?

            also if we moved as a society towards growing food in a more old fashioned way which adds back the nutrition but also the healthy plant medicines that would do sooo much good for our society…

            animal foods don’t contain these chemicals that protect us from cancers and so on which 100 or so years ago would have most likely been found in our grains, fruits and vegetables


              “im a bit baffled if we ate bread for thousands of years and suddenly its a problem.. seems like something really went wrong  in the past hundred years or so?”

              I’m amazed that you are on a forum primarily dedicated to discussing Ray Peat’s work, and how you don’t even appear to be familiar with his basic core principles.  Yes, something most certainly “went wrong” within the past hundred years, in regards to grains (maybe several somethings).  One of the biggest is the fortification of grains with iron.  From Peat’s article on “Iron’s Dangers”-

              “Some researchers are concerned that the iron added to cereals is contributing to the incidence of leukemia and cancers of the lymphatic tissues in children. [Goodfield, 1984.] During the time of rapid growth, children are less likely than adults to store too much iron. At birth, they have a large amount of stored iron, and this decreases as they “grow into it.” It is after puberty, when growth slows and the sex hormones are high, that the storage of iron increases. [Blood, Sept., 1976.] In a study of the “malnourished” children of migrant fruit pickers in California, these children who were “seriously anemic” were actually more resistant to infectious diseases than were the “well nourished” middle class children in the same region.”

              “Flour, pasta, etc., almost always contain iron which has been artificially added as ferrous sulfate, because of a federal law. Meats, grains, eggs, and vegetables naturally contain large amounts of iron. A few years ago, someone demonstrated that they could pick up a certain breakfast cereal with a magnet, because of the added iron. Black olives contain iron, which is used as a coloring material. You should look for “ferrous” or “ferric” or “iron” on the label, and avoid foods with any added iron. Many labels list “reduced iron,” meaning that iron is added in the ferrous form, which is very reactive and easily absorbed.”

              It’s also bizarre to recommend “whole grains” to someone with digestive issues, as whole grains (like whole wheat and brown rice) are always harder to digest than refined grains (like refined flour and white rice, assuming no added iron).  Many people find eliminating ALL grains as beneficial to their digestive system (see not only followers of Ray Peat, but Low Carbers, Paleo diets, Gluten Free diets, Carnivore, and many other “Ancestral Health” diets).  Of note, these diets aren’t as popular in countries like France, that don’t fortify grains with iron.


                Here’s my favorite video showing the extraction of iron from breakfast cereal, with simple household objects-


                  I always check my bread for iron. I get lovely organic bread with no synthetic iron or vitamins from an indepedent bakery. I was just at the supermarket today feeling sad at all the PUFA oils and iron in the bread.

                  ‘Wholemeal rye flour, wholemeal wheat flour, salt’ and its sourdough so no yeast

                  sourdough is easier to digest too btw

                  I don’t think any plant food is hard to digest for humans. what really slows my digeston is meat. I don’t think humans have  the stomach acid acidity to truly digest meat well like a cat. It definitely feels different.

                  isn’t gluten just a spiderweb weird protein thing that helps the bread stick which makes it fluffy. so not that bad really unless you are celiac


                    @questforhealth. If you do well on grains I suggest that you continue. But if yeast is a concern for you then sourdough is not an answer to this concern. The tang in sourdough comes from a wild yeast .
                    Instead of using baker’s yeast, sourdough bread relies on a starter: a mixture of water and flour that develops a population of wild yeast. This yeast produces lactic acid, the source of sourdough bread’s distinctive tangy taste


                      “I don’t think any plant food is hard to digest for humans.”

                      Really?  Have you never heard of fiber, or resistant starch?  These are components of food from plants that, by definition, cannot be digested by humans.  Some of this may be digested by bacteria in your gut, and some might not be digested by anything.

                      On the other hand, meat and most other animal foods are completely digested within the stomach, when stomach acid is adequate.  If it’s not, then yes, it can pass by undigested into the colon.  But if this is the case, a plant based diet wouldn’t solve anything, as there likely isn’t adequate stomach acid to completely digest the digestible parts of the plant foods, either.

                      • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Zack-Vegas.
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