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      Ray mentions early on his books the importance of vitamins for women’s health. How did that change throughout the years? 


      I’m not thinking that what Ray said about women’s needs and vitamins has changed, I think our food supply has changed. Years ago women could just eat a big variety of foods and get most everything they needed. Now we have chemicals and pesticides in everything, the farmland soils are depleted so our produce is half as healthy as it was, and people are eating away from home and packaged foods now, consuming lots of preservatives. Women are sinking further into holes, and the deeper they go the harder and more time it takes to dig back out. Just the very fact that when you buy an apple, it is half as nutritious as it was fifty years ago then it sits in warehouses and grocery stores for weeks, gives a good idea of how much more people have to eat to get what they got fifty years ago.


      “Coconut oil lowers the requirement for vitamin E, and reduces the toxicity of the unsaturated fats (see Cleland, et al.), favoring effective respiration and improving thyroid and progesterone production.”
      -Ray Peat


        I usually consult Dan Wich’s Toxinless website before buying supplements. I don’t think he has been updating the site for a while now, but it is still useful. Double-check the ingredients lists before buying to make sure things still line up with Dan’s assessment.





        “Recent research has revealed that bee pollen formula has highly beneficial biological activities for restoring muscle protein and energy metabolism. It contains all essential amino acids and vitamin B6.
        These two nutrients are thought to
        boost fat metabolism and muscle
        synthesis. Hence, bee pollen is a complete protein with a great source of energy and is called nature’s multivitamin Humans can benefit from using bee pollen because it contains a high concentration of essential amino acids that are required for vital processes, such as muscle formation and hormone and neurotransmitter synthesis.”

        “Bee pollen appears to balance out
        hormonal fluctuations experienced by menopausal women. A dietary supplement containing bee pollen extract reduces premenstrual syndrome symptoms, such as water
        retention, weight gain, and irritability.”



          “Harvard Health provides an overview of studies linking high doses of vitamin supplements to a number of health problems.

          The health body prefaces its assessment by saying: “Most supplements are safe to take, but there are exceptions.”

          It says:

          High doses of beta carotene have been linked to a greater risk of lung cancer in smokers

          Extra calcium and vitamin D may increase the risk of kidney stones

          High doses of vitamin E may lead to stroke caused by bleeding in the brain

          Vitamin K can interfere with the anti-clotting effects of blood thinners

          Taking high amounts of vitamin B6 for a year or longer has been associated with nerve damage that can impair body movements (the symptoms often go away after the supplements are stopped).”




          “When a person uses a drug, there is generally an awareness that the benefit has to be weighed against the side effects. But if something is treated as a “nutrient,” especially an “essential nutrient,” there is an implication that it won’t produce undesirable side effects.” -Ray Peat


            This reel is about avoiding fake vitamin B6…



              Didn’t  Ray Peat say ONE DOSE of a vitamin can be therapeutic??

              issues seem to come from people taking more and more hoping it helps them… but it doesn’t because maybe something else is the problem then it builds up and  you have a big problem on your hands…


                “Our scientific community talks about coffee like it’s a drug, when actually it’s an adaptogenic nutrient. The caffeine in coffee mimics anti stress hormones like progesterone, scavenges free radicals, and increases
                the efficiency of fuel consumption in the body.”
                -Ray Peat

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