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      Methionine restriction?


        This short clip reveals that there are cures for cancer, but the pharmaceutical companies patent them just to keep them from coming to light because there is no money in curing people…



          This is for estrogen driven breast cancer – not the topic of this thread – but hey if it helps that type of cancer why not another type.  Manuka honey shown to work because it blocks the estrogen receptor!





            I’m with you Lolli. I have posted about Manuka honey and it’s cancer fighting ability in several threads on the RPF and here is one…

            “Another study has illustrated this inverse relationship of manuka honey with cancer. It illustrates that due to anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and immune boosting property of manuka honey, it acts as a natural cancer vaccine.“‘




              That’s good to know!  Do you take the  honey as if it were a medicine? A certain number of mg per Kg, or  liberally as wanted?


                @Kevin007  “That’s good to know!  Do you take the  honey as if it were a medicine? A certain number of mg per Kg, or  liberally as wanted?”

                When I need it I take it away from food, usually in the morning on an empty stomach and again at bedtime.


                  “Cascara and aloe are not among the treatment options approved by the FDA, so cascara isn’t widely available (though anyone can grow aloe plants easily). However, there is considerable interest in the drug industry in the possibility of developing products based on emodin, or aloe-emodin, as anticancer or antiviral drugs. Even if it were proved to be safe and effective for use as a laxative, its potential use as an alternative to extremely profitable cancer and virus treatments would make it a serious threat to the drug industry.

                  Although the standard medical journals have only recently begun writing about it as a cancer treatment, emodin and related chemicals have been of interest as a non-toxic way to treat cancer, allergies, and viral and bacterial diseases for a long time.” -Ray Peat


                    This is about Methylene Blue and light…



                      A quick update.
                      My reoccurrence was detected in May of this year.  After a few more tests and meeting with my “new” surgeon, we decided on a surgery date after our Scotland trip – early September.
                      I was talking to a high school buddy and he works with a renown oncologist who was willing to give me an opinion on whether surgery was necessary or if something like Brachytherapy * would be better.
                      He said that surgery would be the best option, but he suggested going back to the surgeon that did my last surgery, because he did a very good job.

                      So that particular surgeon was at the University of Michigan hospital, but left the practice about a year after my surgery.   Fortunately, he’s at a hospital about an hour south east of Ann Arbor in Ohio.  He’s also in my insurance plan!  I just had a virtual call with him and he was surprised that the UofM Surgeon had not scheduled any new imaging – it’s been about three months.
                      So, I have a couple new MRI’s and a PET scan to schedule.

                      The good new is that these tests will confirm whether or not the @haidut Niacinamide/Biotin/Thiamine/Aspirin therapy has worked.  I feel like it has (the lump I felt in my neck/trapezius has gone away).  I was worried that it could have worked but they would have still cut into my neck and removed whatever they found.
                      So I’ll know if a few days whether I need surgery or not!

                      *Brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy where a sealed radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment.  My friend reps this product and said that his biggest sales hurdle is the fact that Brachytherapy is less profitable than traditional radiation therapy and surgery 🙁


                        So I had a new PET scan on Monday and results came back today.  The tumor has grown slightly since my last scan 4 months ago.  Pretty much what everyone was expecting – but frustrating for me since I was hoping the aspirin/B1/B7/B3 combo would have helped more.  I have an MRI next week and then they’ll want to do surgery.
                        Right now, I’m just hoping to reduce its size by the surgery – a tall order – but I have Ivermectin, some Doxycycline and a ton of aspirin left.  I can go hardcore no fat, continue with the above protocol and menanuka honey, but I’m wondering if something like ivermectin may be safe to try since there are known cancer treatment using it.

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