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Home Forums Forum STARCH – The Delicious Devil

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      “When the idea of “glycemic index” was being popularized by dietitians, it was already known that starch, consisting of chains of glucose
      molecules, had a much higher index than fructose and sucrose. The more rapid appearance of glucose in the blood stimulates more insulin, and insulin stimulates fat synthesis, when there is more glucose than can be oxidized immediately. If starch or glucose is eaten at the same time as polyunsaturated fats, which inhibit
      its oxidation, it will produce more fat. Many animal experiments show this, even when they are intending to show the dangers of fructose and sucrose.”
      -Ray Peat


        That’s a great quote from Ray. It speaks to the thread active as I post this about a chain announcing they will making their fries in tallow. The McDonald’s fries made in that toxic mix of seed oils plus chemicals have to go!


          @Lilac I wish I had restaurants around me that use tallow .


            Cari- I suspect more are coming, and probably relatively soon.  RFK Jr. was talking about the problems with seed oils on Fox News and other big outlets last year, and Steak N Shake just committed to being all tallow by the end of February of this year.  I think Buffalo Wild Wings has been quietly using tallow or beef fat for years (if you look at their fries and chips that they make in house, they have a bit of cholesterol listed, along with a close to 50% ratio of sat fat).  Now that the Secretary of HHS Nominee is on record as saying that high PUFA seed oils are obesogenic and Tallow is better, you will likely have many other restaurants and foodmakers following suit.

            I remember back in 2001-2002 when working in radio, that ad based entertainment was taking a financial hit.  I remember hearing the story that NBC would start accepting hard alcohol advertising (there was no law banning it, but major broadcasters didn’t accept it, a reaction to the banning of tobacco advertising).  Just weeks later, I started seeing all sorts of hard alcohol ads on the station I worked for, as well as other outlets.  It just took one major network to make that announcement for pretty much all other broadcasters to follow suit.

            I think something similar is about to happen here.  The announcements might be a littler slower, since it involves changing physical ingredients, but I strongly suspect a tallow wave (along with other more saturated fats) over the next few years.

            • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Zack-Vegas.

              @Zack-Vegas This makes sense since it worked in reverse with one changing to seed oils and the outcry for more made McDonald’s change their famous French fries from tallow to something toxic and less flavorful. These restaurants have been following the cheapest route to maximize their profits, but there is no money to be made if there is nobody buying the stuff. There has been so much attention this past year on the toxicity of seed oils and it is crazy to think it took Ray Peat’s whole life to get this change.

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            Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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