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Home Forums Forum STARCH – The Delicious Devil

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    “Much of the current concern about the dangers of fructose is focused on the cornstarch- derived high fructose corn syrup, HFCS. Many studies assume that its composition is nearly all fructose and glucose. However, Wahjudi, et al. (2010) analyzed samples of it before and after hydrolyzing it in acid, to break down other carbohydrates present in it. They found that the carbohydrate content was several times higher than the listed values. “The underestimation of carbohydrate content in beverages may be a contributing factor in the development of obesity in children,” and it’s especially interesting that so much of it is present in the form of starch-like materials.” -Ray Peat, PhD


    “Vegetables are, in general, moderate to high sources of iron, but bread and pasta products have iron supplemented in this country, and that in itself is reason to totally give up bread and pasta, because you are actually seeing a serious increase in iron overload diseases in this country.” -Ray Peat


    “Stress and anxiety sharply reduce the circulation of blood to the intestine and liver. Prolonged stress damages the ability of the in-testinal cells to exclude large molecules. Local irritation and inflammation of the intestine also increase its permeability and decrease its ability to exclude harmful materials. But even the normal intestine is able to permit the passage of large molecules and particles, in many cases particles larger than the cells that line the intestine; this persorption of particles has been demonstrated using particles of plastic, starch grains which are sometimes several times larger than blood cells, and many other materials, including carrageenan.” -Ray Peat


      Has Dr. Peat ever said anything about yams, sweet potatoes and so on? I know he spoke about the benefits of vitamin A and sweet potato must have a lot because of the orange colour?


      He said vitamin A from beta carotene is not good and to avoid those orange fleshed sweet potatoes. I eat the white fleshed ones and purple fleshed ones as well. You want to have the retinol form of vitamin A from liver. That type is anti-aging, the other not so much.


      Here is something DozingAnt said in another thread on beta carotene vitamin A and starches that I thought was good…



      Ray Peat talks about oat bran causing cancer in this short clip…



      Sprouted grains are the way to go to make pancakes, cookies and such…


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    Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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