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Home Forums Forum Low toxin lifestyle

  • This topic has 25 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Cari.
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      Maybe if we think of it from the perspective of humans being biological  herbivores/frugivores that adapted to eating meat/dairy out of a survival mechanism the low vitamin A stuff makes sense since we aren’t like a cat that has the metabolism to process large amounts of vitamin A

      “To say that humans have the anatomical structure of an omnivore is an egregiously inaccurate statement. The great taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus, (1707-1778), a Swedish naturalist and botanist who established the modern scientific method of classifying plants and animals, classified humans not as carnivores, not as omnivores, nor even as herbivores, but as frugivores. Linnaeus writes: “Man’s structure, internal and external compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables are his natural food.”


        @Lilac “I like beans and beef, but I’m doing the no-starch thing now, so I don’t want to derail that. I also don’t feel bad at all. Ray Peat has been good for me for 11-plus years.”

        The best I have looked and felt besides now was when I was on the Blood-type diet. I ate a lot of beef, black beans, brown rice, broccoli, sweet potatoes, oats, olive oil and berries. That diet offered me a great variety to choose from, but dairy and eggs I was to avoid. After a year of being strict on that diet my teeth suffered from the lack of calcium and I couldn’t supplement it because I gave that up years earlier from it creating stones in my gall bladder, kidneys and pancreas. This is when I went searching for a way to save my transparent teeth and found Ray Peat. My point is that every diet seems to work until it doesn’t or backfires. I have tried them all Keto, Paleo, vegetarian, fasting, mono diets, the lemonade diet and more and Ray Peat’s recommendations is the only thing that has kept my health in a steady positive state. I only gain weight on it when I eat the starches or too much fat.


          This is REALLY something to think about. I would have never imagined breast cancer and a root canal could be connected.  This one minute clip below about the upper teeth being connected to different parts of the body may finally be the answer to so many mysterious health issues….


          “Root Canal Bacterial Infections
          Why? Bacteria can enter a tooth through a cavity where it can continue to works its way down the root of the tooth. Once the bacterium enters the root, it causes an infection which in turn leads to inflammation.

          During the root canal procedure, your dentist will drill a hole deep down into the root and clean out the bacteria before proceeding to fill the tooth. Researchers believe that the infection associated with root canals is to blame for a number of chronic conditions including cancer.

          Root Canal Treatment & Breast Cancer Link
          Many dentists believe that the chemicals used in the root canal procedure are fabricated to kill off harmful bacteria but the unfortunate reality is that the microscopic tubes embedded within the tooth are never exposed to the sanitizing agents.

          Worse still is that fact the after the root canal is complete, the same microscopic tubes are cut off from necessary oxygen and blood circulation by the substance that is used to fill the tooth.

          The bacterium that is found in the tubes cannot be impacted by either antibiotics or the body’s natural immune system. The bottom line is that the toxins can be leaked where they are essentially left to their own devices and are free to cause destruction within your body. Some doctors estimate that more than 90% of the patients arriving at their clinics who have been diagnosed with cancer had one or more root canals.

          Even more alarming is the correlation between breast cancer and root canals, which in many cases coincides with the breast cancer that was detected on the same side of the body as the offending tooth.

          Root Canal Link to Other Illness Such as Heart Disease & Diabetes
          Evidence suggests that toxins from within the tooth suppress a protein recently identified as Receptor-interacting Protein (RIP) that delays the development of tumors. It was found that cancer cells do not necessarily inhibit the normal cell death process, but the receptor-interacting protein forces them to prolong the likelihood of cancer cells forming in the body.

          Doctors have also acknowledged that other deliberating illness have been linked to root canals, for example arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, heart disease, kidney disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to name but a few.“

          Do Bacterial Infections from Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer?


            Zinc and molybdenum supplements have made my stools green again after nothing else worked and my liver pain is slowly reducing along with taking herbs


            I remember I felt really happy last year for a brief period of time. The molybdenum supplements are slowly bringing me to that happy place again. I think they are good

            a local woman botanist told me about how we need to eat FOUR times as many vegetables or fruits to get the same nutrition we did in the good old days… so maybe mineral supplements have a use???


              @questforhealth   “a local woman botanist told me about how we need to eat FOUR times as many vegetables or fruits to get the same nutrition we did in the good old days… so maybe mineral supplements have a use???”

              I don’t take any supplements and rarely eat vegetables and I am healthy as can be. My diet consists of grass fed dairy and meat, some seafood, pressed fruit juices and watermelon, corn and soy free egg yolks, red potatoes, honey and mineral water. I get my greens from occasional Sun Chlorella, cooked broccoli and broccoli water.


                “Oatmeal and potatoes do provide fiber, but they are good food for bacteria, and bacterial endotoxin is usually the basic problem causing hormone imbalance, by being a chronic burden for the liver, keeping it from storing enough sugar to process thyroid and the other hormones effectively.” -Ray Peat

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