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  • This topic has 25 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Cari.
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      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Personally, thanks to Ray, I have gotten over orthorexia and the “next big thing” in dieting. Also, if the main proponents look ill and sound demented, I would stay well away from it. Beware of people telling you you need to “detox”. I think the main thing in life is to have fun, try to be happy, try to avoid stress, try to do your best. If you want to eat beans, or rice or liver, or whatever, have at it. Just do you and do what you feel like. I do not like the people behind this “low toxin” nonsense. Disingenuous.</p>


        I had success with adding copper for a skin wound that wasn’t healing. I had issues with nutrient absorption, and couldn’t figure out what nutrient the issue was until I added copper and it healed right up. 


          Copper sulfate works great to help prevent sore feet in dairy barns, the cows walk through a foot bath!


            I think, as with everything, the context matters. Track your nutrition intake for a while so you know if you are actually deficient in something. It’s hard to judge deficiencies on symptoms alone. Everything can be toxic in excess and deficiencies can seem magnified if you have a couple things going wrong.

            I think an overall better approach is to aim for optimal RDA intake each day without trying to be perfect – just notice where you need to focus the next day or next week. Eat what feels good, get 20+ minutes of morning sun, and get 8+ hours of sleep. Ultimately, I think the goal is to forget about food altogether other than what feels good or sounds good – essentially relearning to hear what your body needs 🙂 easier said than done tho


              I haven’t supplemented with copper or vitamin A individually, but before discovering Ray Peat several years ago, I ate a similar diet to what the Low Toxin Lifestyle is suggesting. I prepared and cooked my own beans and lentils, stayed away from all dairy, etc. and what ended up happening to me was my endotoxin got out of control, my liver enzymes went through the roof, and I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis).

              Once I discovered Dr. Peat and implemented the things he suggested (foodwise and I started supplementing with thyroid), my health (physically and mentally) improved drastically. I think I was definitely low in many nutrients, especially vitamin A. Also, after about eight months on thyroid, I stopped testing positive for my autoimmune disease, which was a true miracle for me.

              I never contributed on the RPF but read many things on there that were quite helpful in the past. I’m disappointed by the authoritarian environment there and left the site a few months ago. I just wish, out of respect, they would take Dr. Peat’s name off the URL.

              Tia Mia

                Thank you for sharing, Wildflower!



                  Well said.


                    I WOULD BE VERY CAREFUL

                    Especially about the ‘copper toxicity’ claims. I am now severely anemic from a copper and iron deficiency although iron is on the up but need to eat more liver. Please be careful people. I have literal neuropathy (nerve damage) from  low copper.


                      We live on a small lot in Florida and have as many mango and other fruit trees as we can squeeze in. We also dehydrate/freeze dry so high carotene fruit and veg are always available.   Every year I was orange and even though my family said it’s benign I felt it reflected something wrong.  Then I found Dr. Peat’s work and knowing we ate very little protein except for chicken occasionally, and no dairy, I knew there were deficiencies/imbalances involved.

                      Plunged into supplements, milk/sugar/ice cream, and you know how that went, lol.  Crazy scary dreams and weight gain.  I’m still a work in progress but began baselining a few months ago with no supplements and trying to determine which foods cause serotonin/endotoxin feelings.  Eliminating starches really helped and sleep has much improved.  I like how I feel and even though we can’t access raw milk here, I’m optimistic about being on the right path.

                      Everyone has a different microbiome and health issues based on many variables so I would never guide anyone in nutrition choices.  Reading Dr. Peat’s articles and attempting to grasp his wholistic approach to health is a journey in itself.  He truly inspires me and reading/listening to his life’s work has nourished me in so many ways.


                      Your topical magnesium for skin issues and hangnails is something new that I hadn’t heard. What brand do you use kayess?

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