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Home Forums Forum How can I lose 20 pounds


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      I want to lose weight but need some starter suggestion.


        Not knowing your current dietary practice, I would start with reducing your intake of PUFA. Also start slowly introducing fruits to your diet such as oranges and tropical fruits. Go for walks and swimming.


          I like Cari’s very low starch approach. You get your Peaty carbs from fruit. Watch the fat. Protein I tend to find self-regulating (meaning it is harder to binge protein as it is just less delicious to me).

          I have been doing this for two months to drop the weight I gained when sick, traveling, and merrymaking in December. I have not had to go hungry, and that gain is gone.


          I created a new page with the no starch low-fat meals that I am eating to lose or maintain or maintain my weight. Check it out on the menu bar called “My Everyday” I might change the name later, but it is what I am doing everyday!

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