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  • #1633

      Artificial sweeteners.  I can’t handle that anymore. No wonder everyone is so fake these days. Fake food fake people. Coconut water with artificial sweetener just needs to be spat out and chucked away


      “Monosodium Glutamate in Foods and its Biological Effects

      MSG has been shown to cause lesions on the brain especially in children. These lesions cause cognitive, endocrinological and emotional abnormalities. In children, excess glutamate affects the growth cones on neurons.”



      ”The deliberate “aging” of meat is something that the meat scientists often write about, but it has a peculiar history, and is practiced mainly in the English speaking cultures. When a supermarket in Mexico City began selling U.S.-style meat for the American colony, I got some T-bone steaks and cooked them for some of my Mexican friends. The meat wasn’t water-logged (it was 1962, and the beef had been grown in Mexico), but it had been aged for the American customers, and though my friends ate the steaks for the sake of politeness, I could see that they found it difficult.” -Ray Peat


      “Inorganic grain crops, like wheat, are routinely sprayed with Round-up to dry out the crops quicker for early harvesting…

      “Roundup conditioning must be well-timed and managed for the greatest value and harvesting efficiency.

      Treat crops only once the Roundup timing has been reached
      Employ coarse droplets and use low drift nozzles to safeguard margins and hedgerows
      Adjust sprayer boom so the spray pattern correctly covers the target
      Spray early in the day to optimise uptake in dry weather
      Leave crops for the statutory minimum of 14 days before harvesting
      Delay harvesting for up to 21 days post-treatment in unfavourable weather”
      “Is Roundup Associated With Autism or Alzheimer’s?​
      Recent research finds possible associations between Roundup exposure to neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Glyphosate has also been shown to disturb healthy bacteria in the gut biome that play a vital role in regulating healthy brain functioning.
      Glyphosate crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes inflammation. Research indicates this nervous system disruption can negatively impact regulation of neurological processes and cause neurodegenerative disorders.
      In addition to autism and Alzheimer’s, glyphosate-caused genetic damage has also been associated with anxiety and depressive-like behaviors in recent studies. Animal studies suggest that exposure to glyphosate in utero may have adverse effects on human neurological development of unborn children as well.”




      “Industrially processed grains have most of the nutrients, such as vitamin E, the B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, etc., removed to improve the products’ shelf life and efficiency of processing, and the government required that certain nutrients be added to them as a measure to protect the public’s health, but the supplementation did not reflect the best science even when it was first made law, since food industry lobbyists managed to impose compromises that led to the use of the cheapest chemicals, rather than those that offered the greatest health benefits. For example, studies of processed animal food had demonstrated that the addition of iron (as the highly reactive form, ferrous sulfate, which happens to be cheap and easy to handle) created disease in animals, by destroying vitamins in the food. You should read the label of ingredients and avoid products that contain added iron, when possible.” -Ray Peat


      “Stress and anxiety sharply reduce the circulation of blood to the intestine and liver. Prolonged stress damages the ability of the in-testinal cells to exclude large molecules. Local irritation and inflammation of the intestine also increase its permeability and decrease its ability to exclude harmful materials. But even the normal intestine is able to permit the passage of large molecules and particles, in many cases particles larger than the cells that line the intestine; this persorption of particles has been demonstrated using particles of plastic, starch grains which are sometimes several times larger than blood cells, and many other materials, including carrageenan.” -Ray Peat


      I had never heard about the bleach in wheat causing diabetes before…



      This about store bought apples is quite shocking! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7aLQhqOY1j/?igsh=MTBlZjE4YzMxOA==


      “The permeability of the intestine that allows bacteria to enter the blood stream is very serious if the phagocytic cells are weakened. Carrageenan poisoning is one known cause of the disappearance of macrophages. Its powerful immunosuppression would tend to be superimposed onto the immunological damage that has been produced by radiation, unsaturated fats, and estrogens.” -Ray Peat


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    Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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