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Home Forums Forum Fibre and beans, liver health

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      On another thread there was mention of fibre and beans and wholegrains as they relate to liver health.
      This is a topic that I don’t know how to articulate.
      So much conflicting information. Or perhaps that protocols are missing nuances.
      For example, I felt great during certain times when I was doing keto and ultra low carb sort of carnivore. But then I didn’t feel so great.
      And I would read certain things about carbon dioxide and how the body needs fibre to clear toxins, perhaps estrogen.
      So then on a diet with more bread, I feel better. For a while. I notice a different in my color when I’m looking in the mirror. I feel cleaner, for lack of a better word.

      For the most part, I cannot tolerate beans. Its not just the gas. Its as if my guts are being destroyed and toxins are crossing the BBB. Or at least, that is what I am perceiving it to be.

      One nuance though: If I go with a friend to eat at a mexican restaurant and have refried beans and rice with my meal, I have no gas. And I don’t feel bad the next day, at all. Could it be something else in the meal that is preventing the side effects? Perhaps some fats or the way the beans are cooked or some combination of other foods being consumed at the same time? I simply do not know. (When beans are cooked right, and I can tolerate them, I feel better in some way. But I have tried many different ways to cook them at home and also tried canned refried beans and its always been horrible)

      What I do know instinctively is that I’m probably getting too much protein. And my relationship to fats is complicated. My heart feels so much better on fats and so does my brain. But my libido wants carbs, especially fructose from fruits.

      Just my thoughts for now. Please chime in with your own.


        <p style=”text-align: center;”>I really wouldn’t eat fat if you want a healthier liver, excess cholesterol can burden it, im only making progress now by eating mainly zero low fat, with some olive oil and coffee</p>
        mineral balances are important for the liver too. But beans and whole grains are more mineral rich per calorie than animal products.

        If you eat beans regularly you will be fine, I eat them regularly now and no no problems if I eat them unlike my family. Probably just need to soak or sprout them

        excess sugar is bad for the liver too. I think that Peaty recommendation to eat sugar ruined me. Of course peat never said eat loads of sugar and more recommended sugary fruit  which has fibre which slows fruit digestion.

        I wonder if you have tried peas or broad beans (faba beans in the USA)?? They are more like a vegetable and very good meal with some potatoes or whole grain porridge

        The best approach is probably a mix of Peaty and mainstream. The idea that you can raise your energy is valuable but  not reading it carefully which is is easy in a low energy state you can damage  yourself


          I just had a soy burger


          Soy diet for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

          ‘Soy diet may benefit to alleviate insulin resistance for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.’

          also beans actually have a decent amount of carbs in them too usually and low PUFA except for soy but Im not worried about soy because I eat it like once a week and eat basically zero fat so  zero pufa.

          you probably are right about too much protein, okinawans eat a high carb diet of sweet potatoes  with vegetables, soy, occasional meat (pork) and are some of the longest lived people on earth. They eat a 10:1 ratio of carb to protein??


          we need vegetable and carb recipes! could you make something with mushrooms??


            Tex-Mex Sorghum Chili

            look at this! mouth watering and healthy. you are a man you should try sorghum. makes you feel like hulk.

            im planning to bake some 50/50 sorghum and wheat  wholegrain bread. might post it here when im done.

            Zack Vegas

              @johann2547 Ray Peat often recommended corn tortillas from nixtamalized corn.  He mentioned that traditional preparations of foods like grains and beans (nixtamalization, soaking, sprouting and such) always removed certain toxic elements and made the foods more nutritious, even if they weren’t the best types of foods.  So, if you go to a Mexican restaurant that prepares beans in a traditional way, they should be much more tolerable than other “conventional” type beans.

              When fiber is insoluble, that’s when it does more to “clean you out” than soluble fiber.  The soluble kind feeds bacteria, which can lead to things like increased endotoxin, which isn’t good.  All fiber is probably a mix, but if it’s mostly insoluble, it’s probably better for you.  Increased magnesium probably also helps in this regard, as well as things that stimulate more stomach acid (I’ve heard that calcium and salt both contribute to this, calcium to stimulate the stomach to make more, and salt for providing chloride so more HCL can be made).

              I think a lot of times when people think they are getting “too much protein,” it’s really just too much of the wrong kind.  I’ve heard about 140g of protein a day is recommended for a man that’s 5’11”, and I feel best when I each close to that.  But I feel better when I get more glycine and proline, and less of the inflammatory AAs, by eating more gelatin, collagen, and beef tendon.

              • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Zack Vegas.

                kevin you might have a leaky gut from not enough zinc. maybe you need more wholegrains,  lean red meat, skimmed dairy??

                I used to get the thing you describe from beans but also from dairy until I got my zinc up. Like a feeling of being poisoned by what you ate. I wonder if your gut isn’t used to the beans yet.

                whole wheat has lots of zinc and vitamin E, both will help the gut for sure 100 percent. it will also have other helpful minerals. leaky gut will burden the liver.


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