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Home Forums Forum Fabric Frequencies

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      @Zsazsa right?!?!?!  So glad to hear you are well!!

      I once saw the below posted on another forum and copied it.  Silly me did not put the name of posted it.  I find it interesting and take no credit for this knowledge:

      “All matter has a resonant frequency.  Natural substances resonate with the body.  While synthetic materials and chemicals often do not.

      Medicine works in the same fashion to bring the body’s natural harmonics back into place.  This is the basis for Eastern medicine. Certain herbs are well suited for treatment of specific disease by normalizing resonant frequency of the body.

      Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency.  The study of frequencies raises an important question, concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb.  Many pollutants lower healthy frequency.

      Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero.  Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.

      Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.”



        @Zsa Zsa said “I am so glad that a sweet person like Cari was able to reunite us here in this Cari-ng place!”

        Awww! I never had my name arranged like that before Zsa Zsa! Seeing that definitely put a smile on my face! ☀️🌼😘



        @Lollipop “Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero.  Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.

        Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.”


        This frequency subject gets curiouser and curiouser! Canned food is a surprise. Would that mean canned bone broth you? I just made lavender oil from fresh picked lavender from my garden and read this…

        “The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz. Oils entrain the cells of the body to increase their vibratory rate. Can you feel the vibe of good health? Good health actually has a frequency! 70MHz.”

        Science Behind Aromatherapy



          Cari,  I think bone broth is different and to be honest, I find it healthy and healing.  Also, I always find it in a jar – not cans.  When he says canned foods, I think of store bought low quality mass produced aluminum canned food.  Someone canning vegetables or fruits from their garden or fresh produce is a completely different matter and can be healthy!!  The source matters at least in my mind.  The way you are eating is so high frequency and healthy!!

          May people emulate you and grow straight and strong into healthy beings!


          @Lollipop “Cari,  I think bone broth is different and to be honest, I find it healthy and healing.  Also, I always find it in a jar – not cans.  When he says canned foods, I think of store bought low quality mass produced aluminum canned food.  Someone canning vegetables or fruits from their garden or fresh produce is a completely different matter and can be healthy!!  The source matters at least in my mind.  The way you are eating is so high frequency and healthy!!

          May people emulate you and grow straight and strong into healthy beings!”

          You’re right in that the cans with their heavy metals and extra citric acid in them to be sure to erode extra metal into the food in going to be bad. I try and only buy food in glass, but also just because it is a low frequency foods doesn’t mean it is not valuable. We have to weigh the benefits of the low frequency foods and the nutrition extracted from them and find that the trade off is worth it. Raw broccoli is a high frequency food that we as humans are not designed to process properly without detriments to our health down the line. Broccoli is something we should cook well or just cuddle with raw. 🤣

          “To put this frequency business into perspective, dead foods such as hamburger and chicken have a frequency of 3 to 5 MHz; raw almonds vibrate at 50 MHz; living greens such as broccoli and wheatgrass have a frequency of 70MHz. Living greens, herbs and botanicals capture light from the sun and that light or “life force” is held in the molecules.“

          Science Behind Aromatherapy



            Hi Cari,

            You highlight something important here – high does not always equate with better and low does not always equate with “bad or avoid”.

            Taking Ray’s wisdom and infusing some information about frequencies together is how I have lived since Ray and his brilliance crossed my path.  These two bodies of knowledge along with others of course have created for me a foundation of health, joy and resiliency when life throws curveballs.

            I respect your path to health and truly feel you have landed on a dietary example for others to emulate that truly creates that foundation of vibrancy which I consider “high frequency”.  It shows in those photos of yourself and recipes.  ❤️


            @Lollipop “I respect your path to health and truly feel you have landed on a dietary example for others to emulate that truly creates that foundation of vibrancy which I consider “high frequency”.  It shows in those photos of yourself and recipes.”

            If nothing else good happens to me for the rest of the day today Lollipop a couple of the really nice things you said about me this morning makes my day! It means the world to me to know that I am making lives better.

            I do find energy, positive energy,  to be the most important thing in my good health. Whether I get it from the sun, from grounding, from being rested from good sleep or from the nutrients in food I want it and need it to continue in my productive path.  It is my priority. To discover this other angle to it with frequencies in everything is exciting to know that I can be even better! No wonder being around some people suck life out of others with their low of negative energy. This is my favorite new topic! I am anxious to learn more from you and ZsaZsa about this!


            @Lollipop “I respect your path to health and truly feel you have landed on a dietary example for others to emulate that truly creates that foundation of vibrancy which I consider “high frequency”.  It shows in those photos of yourself and recipes.”

            If nothing else good happens to me for the rest of the day today Lollipop a couple of the really nice things you said about me this morning makes my day! It means the world to me to know that I am making lives better.

            I do find energy, positive energy,  to be the most important thing in my good health. Whether I get it from the sun, from grounding, from being rested from good sleep or from the nutrients in food I want it and need it to continue in my productive path.  It is my priority. To discover this other angle to it with frequencies in everything is exciting to know that I can be even better! No wonder being around some people suck life out of others with their low of negative energy. This is my favorite new topic! I am anxious to learn more from you and ZsaZsa about this!


              Wow! I want to comment on lots of things you both wrote, @lollipop and @Cari aka “Rinse & rePeat”

              Lolli mentioned music, and I just realized that I never thanked Cari for the thread OUR HAPPY MUSIC DEPOSITORY at RPF which led me to enjoying music again after so many years in silence! Thank you, Cari!!!

              This past month brought some of the hardest times in my life, my husband and I had to leave our apartment for a few weeks, but when we came back there was a mild and welcoming lavender scent from two vases where I keep them after picking them fresh from my mom’s garden where I planted them myself. Their scent lasts for several months and I’m just reminded of renewing my vases.

              About canned food, while a metal container is definitely not good, most cans nowadays are even worse as they are lined with plastic!

              I haven’t looked into it, but I bet that sprouts are very good for our frequency! I love beet sprouts especially. Crucifer sprouts are good too, but I must be particularly careful about crucifer consumption. I learned so much about it from Ray’s teachings!

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            Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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