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Home Forums Forum Cholesterol. A Midwestern Doctor talks about the con game that is cholesterol

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      Another informative article by A Midwestern Doctor. The importance of cholesterol is talked about in this article and what the real cause of atherosclerosis might be. An interesting note is that analysis of the plaque found in arteries has the same components of blood clots with cholesterol coming in to aid in repair. Also an in depth breakdown of the dangers of Statins and their side effects. @barbparadise this might be of interest to you.



        Very interesting article. I have been of the opinion for many years that the Cholesterol theory was used for big pharma to sell their drug of choice statins. Everybody I know is on it. I have never taken it or ever would. I’m appalled to think they considered putting it in our water supply. All the more reason to be careful what you eat or drink.


          I am of the opinion stronger than ever now that whatever advice one reads or receives that it should be researched, talked about and understood what the risks and the benefits are to any form of pharmaceutical or supplement one might consider taking. In looking at  the latest pharmaceutical fiasco which can as the author to this article noted you can see distinct parallels in the way statins have been marketed and pushed and how the COVID-19 gene therapies were pushed albeit the gene therapies push was on steroids in comparison.

          A question I always like to ask that usually puts me on the unacceptable fringe list to those in my circle that tow the,”safe and effective”, narrative is twofold and very simple. First was What was in the injection that you took and how did they control the amount of antigen and adjuvant your body produced to ensure there was not a toxic overload?

          Second was. How do you know that it was safe and effective with only eight weeks of trial research?
          Stay vigilant, a drug dealer in a white coat, is still a drug dealer and both can be lethal and costly on many different fronts.


            “As far as the evidence goes, it suggests that coconut oil, added regularly to a balanced diet, lowers cholesterol to normal by promoting its conversion into pregnenolone. (The coconut family contains steroids that resemble pregnenolone, but these are probably mostly removed when the fresh oil is washed with water to remove the enzymes which would digest the oil.) Coconut-eating cultures in the tropics have consistently lower cholesterol than people in the U.S. Everyone that I know who uses coconut oil regularly happens to have cholesterol levels of about 160, while eating mainly cholesterol rich foods (eggs, milk, cheese, meat, shellfish). I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect.” -Ray Peat


              I always remember Ray wrote it would be “hubris” to think we are wise enough to tamper with the body’s cholesterol level. I believe he also said that if cholesterol is high, that is an adaptation. You might be able to drive the cholesterol level down through pharmaceuticals, but if you don’t fix the underlying cause, you will probably be worse off.



                  The guy on that insta vid was doing so well until he started talking about serotonin, and which point he completely derailed.

                  You don’t need cholesterol to make serotonin, serotonin doesn’t make you happy, and serotonin is not a hormone.


                    I saw this list on Instagram and brought it over here. People don’t realize for every drug they take it makes them deficient in other areas.



                      I always remember Ray wrote it would be “hubris” to think we are wise enough to tamper with the body’s cholesterol level

                      Very well said <span class=”atwho-inserted” contenteditable=”false” data-atwho-at-query=”@Lil”>@Lilac</span>. The cholesterol level might be a marker of an issue, but it is not the root core problem.

                      One of the recommendations for “high cholesterol” is to switch to margarine to butter, which it does, but at what cost?


                        This study discovered that too much free cholesterol HDL was linked with too much accumulation in macrophages which can cause cardiovascular problems. The distinction between free, or circulating, and bound (esterified) is interesting where bound is more stable and ready for storage.



                        can you approve this post with a link?

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