Cari, I need your help with healing.
- This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago by
September 21, 2024 at 10:28 pm #3508
Hi Cari,
I have and had the symptoms you listed. I currently have an autoimmune problem. Instead of explaining now the what’s and how’s because I am to tired, I need to know your meals when you were healing. I have a hard time with dropping starch. What are your thoughts on flourless cornbread. Corn in general. I am not eating proper. I struggle with breakfast ideas. What foods did you focus on with the body inflammation. Please list what you ate and even if you took supplements. Thank you ahead. Whenever you have time.
September 22, 2024 at 3:47 am #3519@Beachbum I am sorry to hear you are suffering with histamine intolerance, it is scary when your food choices keep dwindling because it the so many different reactions. Mine got so bad with blistering rashes and other itching and ashes that would last a month. I had terrible insomnia, sudden vomiting that lasted all night, heart palpitations and eventually a life threatening episode of angiodema where I woke in the morning with my lips swollen three times bigger than their normal size and my tongue swollen to outside of my mouth to where I couldn’t close it. They were awful times that last several years.
When I had histamine intolerance I was on 12-hour Claritin twice a day for more than two years. When my heart wasn’t acting right I found on the Claritin site that heart issues can result from taking it. I was a little panicked about that because I never bothered reading about the side effects. I immediately went off of it and knew I had a struggle ahead of me going through the healing cold turkey. Candied ginger and stinging nettle leaf really helped me a lot. It was restaurant food that affected me the worst, so I stopped going out as much and was real careful about what I ordered when I had to go out. I NEVER ordered soups or any sauces, just plain old meat and vegetables.
As for really healing getting fluoride out of my drinking water was a HUGE help in healing. I bought a countertop gravity filter to remove the fluoride from my drinking water, which I also and still do use to make ice cubes. I also put shower filters on my shower heads and do not soak in baths.
I stopped eating fresh fruit and meat from the refrigerator section and only ate flash frozen meat and fruit. I still only eat frozen meat and still rely a lot on frozen fruit. Fresh fruit in the market is just too old and histamines intolerance reacts to aged things. The older the food is the higher amount of histamines there are in them. We have an imaginary bucket in us with Histamine Intolerance and until you heal you are only allotted a certain amount of histamine at a time and when that bucket is full and spills over is when the symptoms occur. I don’t think bread is particularly the dire issue for now it is the aged foods, leftovers and seafood too.
The thing that REALLY helped was Ray Peat saying that sugar, salt and caffeine are good natural antihistamines. That is when I finally started eating sugar. I did all the other Ray Peat things, even eating liver, but I never cared for sweet things so I didn’t do that part. When I finally added sugar liberally into my diet things got much better quicker. I drank a lot of Mexican Coke, sipping on one a day. There was a study that proved that guzzling a Coke quickly worked better for anaphylactic shock than an Epi-pen.
Start with implementing these things and food logging. That helped me figure out what my body didn’t like. Seriously Susan get the aged foods like hard cheeses, refrigerator meats, ground beef especially, fresh fruit, avocados, seafood, and fermented things like beer, wine, kombucha and sauerkraut out of your diet.
Let’s start here and see where you are in a week. You’ll get better.😘
September 22, 2024 at 11:18 am #3526<span class=”atwho-query”>Hey Cari,</span>
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Sorry you suffered with all that swelling. As for the foods you listed, fermented I don’t eat anymore. Ground beef yes, so stop eating it? Why seafood, don’t eat much of it anyway just curious, why, high histamine? As for fruit I haven’t dmhad much lately. I haven’t had much of an appetite for much. I always drank milk (growing up my dad said we need to own a cow) . I drink and crave milk. I have been craving chocolate like crazy. I crave cereal (I get corn/rice based, for the crunch and satisfying fullness), that is why I need meal ideas. I am allergic to yogurt. Can’t eat cottage cheese straight. Ricotta is I can eat. Can you list foods you recommend, then I can work up a plan of meals. My mind can’t focus lately. I can’t eat onions (only really cooked), even then not sure if it bothers me, but raw onions I get migraines just after cutting them, I can’t eat raw ones and don’t like them raw. So basically I am trying to get on track with with food. What are your thoughts on seamoss. I bought some to make a gel. It has many nutrients. Wanted to experiment with it to reduce my supplements. I will start slow with it. What abot casein powder shake. I am sorry if I am rambling, it’s early for me and I have a cold. Any recommendations for cold. I took the usual, vitamin c, elderberry and zinc. Thank you for your valuable time ❤️</p>September 22, 2024 at 3:59 pm #3531@Beachbum Yes stop eating ground beef. Keep in mind that any food air touch starts decaying it quicker. Ground beef has every little tiny piece exposed to air and then put back together for it to breed. It is much higher in histamines than a plain old piece of meat. I don’t eat precut stew meat either, or precut fruit, grated cheese, none of it. If I use ground beef I buy it intended to be sold frozen. Grocery stores will freeze meat that is near spoiled in the refrigerator case so stay clear of those packages. Fish if it is not gutted immediately upon being caught accumulates histamines quickly. I don’t know the mechanism for why, but we know in general how much quicker seafood spoils and how deathly allergic people can be to it. I was told by a man who was a fisherman who owned a meat market seafood restaurant that fish that smells fishy means it is old. He said fish should smell sweet and he put various pieces of fish that were caught that morning to my nose for me to smell and proved it. I never liked or ate fish before that moment because of the fishy taste, but have loved seafood ever since only eating it real fresh. Things like canned tuna are real high in histamines.
I would get rid of the cereal Susan and anything in a box. Avoid anything with citric acid in it too, everybody should, because it is lab made from aspergillis?which is black mold.
Giving up my Cheerios and Rice Crispies was the most difficult of all foods for me to give up. It has made me stronger for doing it though physically and mentally. In giving it up I have been rewarded with so much more healing and good health and it strengthened my willpower.
What I have access to may be different from you and what is worth my spending my money on is too so making a list is tough. The online histamine intolerant websites are contradictory as well which left me having to figure it out myself. With that being said I would suggest starting one day with just three foods and doing that for a couple of days and see how you feel and then add another and wait a couple of days. It was hard at first, but I would rather be happy with those three things then to keep suffering. Strategies like my straining the lactic acid out of my cottage cheese and yogurt through a coffee filter makes a big difference, maybe even see what comes out of your ricotta. The difference in melons are big. Watermelon is much safer than the other melons. The other melons breed mold in those seed centers. Ray Peat said, and I agree, that some high histamine foods have so much healing power that it is worth pushing through symptoms to get some healing eating them in small amounts. Don’t push through symptoms for the pleasure of negative foods.
Here are things I remember were my safe things for you to start with …
*Candied ginger *stinging nettle leaf (not root) *Grass-fed steak, soft cheese like goat and ricotta *organic boiled red potatoes, parsnips, broccoli, rainbow carrots, white sweet potatoes and artichokes with butter *organic coffee with cream and sugar *Haagen Daz coffee ice cream *corn & soy free egg yolks (no whites) *organic blueberries (fresh if they are firm otherwise frozen), *organic oats
I don’t remember eating oats, but they would be better than anything with corn. I made a lot of beef stew back then with pot roast and kept it simple with just beef and onions and added in white sweet potato and herbs at the end. I took a thermos with me to parties and other places away from home so I wouldn’t feel bad eating whatever mysterious ingredients were in other people’s foods. Eventually after I stuck with the same foods and got continually better I added in more high quality foods. I can eat anything now and have never any symptoms of any sort for years now which is practically a miracle since Histamine Tolerance is a tough one. I don’t think I would be over it if it weren’t for my Ray Peat diet.
A couple of other things get out slide and ground yourself with yours house off. Grounding boosts the immune system like nothing else. Stick with showers, no baths, and keep the water not too hot. Hot water raises histamines quite a bit. I take active minute shower and do a pure cold rinse at the end. I am careful about my soap and shampoo as well. I buy a simpler shampoo and water it down, I use an oat and coconut oil soap bar and fluoride free toothpaste and don’t use lotions or perfume. It is a lot to get myself back to where nature intended and took me awhile one step at a time. For every little change is a reward so don’t be overwhelmed. Be excited that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you are not powerless in this.
How is your sleep?
“In one of the studies in which rats had been taught learned helplessness so they would drown in five or six minutes, just being able to see another rat escape would let the informed rat go for days without drowning. Just the recognition that someone else did it can make all the difference.” Ray Peat
September 22, 2024 at 4:12 pm #3534September 22, 2024 at 4:23 pm #3535Candied ginger *stinging nettle leaf (not root) *Grass-fed steak, soft cheese like goat and ricotta *organic boiled red potatoes, parsnips, broccoli, rainbow carrots, white sweet potatoes and artichokes with butter *organic coffee with cream and sugar *Haagen Daz coffee ice cream *corn & soy free egg yolks (no whites) *organic blueberries (fresh if they are firm otherwise frozen), *organic oats
Eat all of the above. Yes, trying to drop the cereal. That list helps me alot for with recipes. This is all great info. I have been using fluoride free toothpaste for a while. Sleep is getting better. Know all about grounding (use to read Jack Kruse Stuff) and soon maybe getting infrared light. I did buy a reptile lamp for starters. My biggest problem was the food part, which is to me the most important. Thank you sooo muuuch 💗😊
September 22, 2024 at 4:32 pm #3537@Beachbum “My biggest problem was the food part, which is to me the most important. Thank you sooo muuuch”
I said back then when I was going through it that those miserable times were not meant for me, they were meant for me to learn to be helpful to someone else. Isn’t that the case for everyone though? We are meant to learn through hardships to help others through theirs. Unfortunately people get stuck in their places and never progress. I admire your determination Beachy!
September 22, 2024 at 5:18 pm #3548Thank you. You have been through alot too. It’s crazy almost everything you have been through and being a worrying person is like reading about me. In 2015 I had scray symptoms like you. It actually happened after trying Ray Peat, Ieat alot of liver. I couldn’t close my eyes, I would have flashlight effect when I closed my eyes, really weird. Very extreme anxiety, racing thoughts and many other symptoms. I believe my HIA was messed up. I remember telling my husband I wanted to die, kept crying to stop. So, what is happening now is really an improvement even though my body is attacking my liver. Thank you again 💗
September 22, 2024 at 5:26 pm #3550I meant HPA.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
And this too: hippocampus
September 22, 2024 at 5:42 pm #3554@Beachbum I did the same thing the first year of my Ray Peat diet, I ate far more liver than he recommended. He recommended 3-ounces a week and here I was eating a full 6 to 8 ounces of it one sitting per week. That is where people go wrong, they hear ice cream and run with it forgetting that he also said to keep fat lower. We don’t pay attention to the fine print. He said sugar does not make one fat, but also said to use white sugar when better sugar sources are not available. There is so much of these things that cause trouble because people don’t read his entire articles to understand their deeper meanings and like the Bible they ARE hard to read. I am due to read each one on his website for a third time. Each time I absorb something more that I missed the time before, and it gives me more to be healthier with. With liver too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
Do you eat raw honey? My liver loves it, at bedtime especially, too much fruit not so much.
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