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Home Forums Forum All Things Vitamin D

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      I thought we could start a thread about Vitamin D.  There is a thread about Sunlight and Vitamin D that we can link into this thread.  I wanted a more comprehensive place for a Vitamin D discussion.

      I saw this study which is interesting.  They found that Vitamin D taken during pregnancy boosts children’s bone health even at age seven.

      The study tracks over a decent amount of time, which is nice.


      can you approve this thread and post?  Thank you 🙏🏻



        Here is another good study that Georgi shared:  Vit D helped diabetes EVEN in obesity situations.


        can you approve my post with a link?


          “Because of contaminants in supplements | seldom recommend the oral use of any of them, except aspirin, which can be dissolved in warm water to remove most of the additives. In the winter I use vitamin D, but only on my skin in an oil. Using a thyroid supplement temporarily might help to lower your estrogen.” -Ray Peat
          Sep 23, 2


            There is a lot of data on Vitamin D. The most recent comorbidity that I have come across is how Vitamin D relates to hypertension. Interestingly I came across this after someone close to me was started on Statins with their other prescription stack. I was aware that CoQ10 was depleted from this drug and that Vitamin D was also depleted from lowering cholesterol. But a side effect of reduced vitamin D levels is atherosclerosis. I was unaware of this steroids role in calcium metabolism and escorting it to the correct areas. If one is “diagnosed” with hypertension, it would be good to look at the Vitamin D levels as well as K2 these seem to work synergistically together. I think that I would adjust my levels of these two first then look at calcium intake before any pharmaceutical options.



              There are some people within the medical profession that do recognize the critical role that Vitamin D plays within the health of humans. I found it rather interesting how many conditions have a Vitamin D deficiency attached to them, not the least of them being both cancer and diabetes. Dr Campbell interviews Dr David Anderson. He mentions the importance of zinc but did not talk about the importance of magnesium in the process of Vitamin D’s metabolism.

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