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      I thought it would be good to collate research and recipes and all things chocolate into one thread.

      Here is a cool research showing that eating dark chocolate helped the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes!


      can you approve the thread and this post with a link for your oh so adorable problem child – lol?


        I love chocolate–chocolate cake and cookies and ice cream more than chocolate bars. But I have occasional instant reactions to pure chocolate. My tongue or the side of my cheek will develop a bleb in seconds. And twice, years ago, the same type or organic dark chocolate from Trader Joe’s gave me a kind of food poisoning–though I didn’t put two and two together right away. That was one of the occasions when a dose of Progest-E detoxed me within one minute. Quite an amazing little thing to happen. And it has happened a couple of other times, too. Once was for tuna poisoning. I haven’t eaten tuna since. But I still go for chocolate. I mean, hey, I’ll take  the risk.

        I always remember Ray’s citing the oldest person on record, the French woman who ate a kilo of chocolate a week. My mother, who was a chocoholic, could eat almost a whole box of Russell Stover nuts and chewy and feel great. She would brag that she could clean the whole house afterward, it gave her such energy. 🙂



          I have been enjoying raw cacao in my coffee and raw nibs on my strained yogurt and ice cream. The raw cacao chocolate eaten at night makes me sleep so good!



              @Lilac maybe your reaction was from chocolate was from the lecithin or dairy in it?  Here is my recipe for chocolate ice cream which you can add your own better cocoa powder or raw cacao…

              Chocolate Milk Ice Cream



                Here is another chocolate post link..

                Coco Oil Choc snacks


                  “Some experts use “cacao” for the pods, beans and ground-up contents of the beans, reserving “cocoa” for the powder left after pressing the fat out of the ground beans (1Trusted Source).

                  Makers of raw (unroasted) or less processed cacao bean products often use the word cacao rather than cocoa, which may imply that they’re more natural products.”

                  “Cacao products are excellent sources of several minerals, including selenium, magnesium, chromium and manganese, but these often aren’t shown on nutrition labels

                  Generally, the darker the chocolate — meaning the higher the cacao content — the higher the mineral content

                  Comparing nutrition labels also won’t tell you differences in antioxidant content, which can be affected by cacao variety, growing conditions and processing methods.
                  Generally, less processed cacao to which less heat has been applied — such as raw cacao — contains more antioxidants”

                  “Cacao beans and the products derived from them are rich sources of beneficial plant compounds, particularly flavanols, which have antioxidant, heart-protective and anti-cancerproperties, among other health benefits”





                      I love chocolate–chocolate cake and cookies and ice cream more than chocolate bars. But I have occasional instant reactions to pure chocolate. My tongue or the side of my cheek will develop a bleb in seconds. And twice, years ago, the same type or organic dark chocolate from Trader Joe’s gave me a kind of food poisoning–though I didn’t put two and two together right away. That was one of the occasions when a dose of Progest-E detoxed me within one minute. Quite an amazing little thing to happen. And it has happened a couple of other times, too. Once was for tuna poisoning. I haven’t eaten tuna since. But I still go for chocolate. I mean, hey, I’ll take the risk. I always remember Ray’s citing the oldest person on record, the French woman who ate a kilo of chocolate a week. My mother, who was a chocoholic, could eat almost a whole box of Russell Stover nuts and chewy and feel great. She would brag that she could clean the whole house afterward, it gave her such energy. 🙂

                      I wonder if your reaction to the chocolate from Trader Joe’s and the tuna might be related to heavy metals possibly? <span class=”atwho-inserted” contenteditable=”false” data-atwho-at-query=”@Lilac”>@Lilac</span>

                      There has been some discussion on cocao containing high levels of heavy metal contamination from the past couple of years. I wonder if anyone might have some data to verify or refute this claim?


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