Reply To: The business model of the cancer industry
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” how informed consent has been removed (if it ever was in place) from the patient”
It has not been removed. When it comes to adults, every patient of sound mind and body consents, and any true exception would likely result in a lawsuit and perhaps criminal charges. I have known many people that have undergone cancer treatments in the 2000s, including radiation and chemotherapy, and not one of them was forced to do the treatment, they all volunteered. They all chose to go to a doctor in the first place, they chose to accept their diagnosis and treatment, and they chose not to do any additional research via the internet or library or bookstore or asking questions or getting a second, third, forth or whatever opinion, or experimenting with some other method. In the United States of America, the people have the right to contract unlimited, and are sovereign. If you have those rights, you decide when you are adequately informed, not the doctor nor the government nor any third party payer like an insurance company. Correspondingly, you have to live with and are responsible for the results of those decisions. Because of that, there is always a presumption of competence, and something as simple as the doctor asking “Any questions?” is enough to proceed, assuming the person isn’t acting erratically.
Cancer treatments are expensive, ranging anywhere from $4,000-$50,000 per round, and perhaps more. People should look at this as a major purchase, along the lines of a car or house. They often don’t, however, as a third party payer is usually footing the majority of the bill. There is no doubt that the medical cartel is very happy with people ignorantly making decisions about high cost cancer treatment, but the final responsibility has to remain with the patient, as it’s his/her life, and they are the ones in control of it.
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