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    @Zack-Vegas Wow you said a lot here (above) that got my attention, especially the cancer thing.  I have read so much on cancer this last 5+ years and I am convinced of the same. I am now thinking that tumors are the body’s cage to keep cancer from spreading. Biopsies and cutting into them opens that cage. I have seen so many people die from the cutting and biopsies while those that take the route of changing their diets and leave the tumors alone do far better. It is well known that nobody dies from cancer they die from normal illnesses from a weakened immune system and chemotherapy kills the immune system. I know people that have live with their tumors like normal people for decades. I know a couple who never biopsied and the tumors shrank and disappeared.

    As for the meat I don’t cut back on my meat consumption because of the possibility of cancer, but rather to cut back on the iron which is aging to my skin. I find dairy, fruits, egg yolks and shellfish to make a noticeable positive difference.



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