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    “But when I consider it has taken until the year 2024 for someone prominent to mention chemtrails and seed oils, that makes my blood boil.”

    Prominent people have discussed these and other issues before.  Julia Child was talking about McDonald’s switch from Beef Tallow to Seed Oils after they made the switch in the 90s-

    Jenny McCarthy spoke out against vaccines, as did Jim Carey, when he was dating her.  But it cost them both in their careers.  If you look at Jim Carey,  you can see a giant hole in his career, that happened as soon as his contracts that existed before those remarks ran out.

    So, it’s not that they didn’t “speak out,” so much, as that they really didn’t have the venue to speak out and reach a large audience.  The Corporate Media doesn’t have the power it did, even a decade ago, and alternative media (mostly on the internet) is stronger than ever.  The control apparatus isn’t there, and you aren’t limited to self printed zines, newsletters and books, public access television, speeches at the Granada Forum, and BBS boards (the early days of the internet).  Ray Peat used newsletters, small speeches, and interviews on public radio to spread his ideas for decades.  It wasn’t really until the last few years of his life that he got to take advantage of internet interviews and the “podcast” format.


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