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    “@Zack Vegas, what are your thoughts  on having inadequate stomach acid as a root cause of inflammation as well as infection leading to many diseases including conditions such as acid reflux as a result of the lower esophageal sphincter requiring a certain level of acidity to close properly,  SIBO, many autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease as well other conditions due to improperly breakdown of foods as well as improperly destroyed bacterium entering the intestine and potentially the bloodstream due to leaky gut.”

    I think it’s highly likely.  The explanation I’ve heard for acid reflux sounds dead on.  Some antacids (like Tums, aka Calcium Carbonate) actually stimulate the stomach to make more acid, in the long run.  A bit counter intuitive, but the body is dynamic, unlike a solution of acid in a test tube.  In a sense, anything you eat or drink is an antacid (including mild acids like vinegar and lemon juice), as they will all raise the pH of the stomach, at least temporarily, because the stomach is so acidic (with a pH between 1-3, before eating or drinking).  It also makes so much sense for SIBO, and anything else that overfeeds bacteria in the lower intestine, leading to more endotoxin and such, leading to more inflammation.


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