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    @questforhealth ”thats a lot of butter Cari but it does look quite good

    I wonder why I do better on lowfat but I cant complain as it works.

    i hate saturated fat now. I really do. the only thing that doesnt somehow cause me problems is whole milk but im even cutting that out as I barely digest it anymore.

    olive oil is ok but I just dont see the point in any oil? pufa or coconut? its really processed and I just think whats the point??”

    What is the point of French toast with maple syrup without the butter? It was no more butter than I would put on a slice of bread. This is why I generally don’t eat grains, they require a lot of butter. It doesn’t matter if it’s toast, oatmeal, cookies, cakes or whatever. White rice it about the only thing that doesn’t require oils, but then again rice is pretty boring unless has some sushi with it and those condiments that go with it.



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