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    “it’s just basic karma slaughtering animals and eating their body part will cause disease. you can only do it so much before it starts catching up. just think from a spiritual perspective and the scientific part will fall into place and you will know where you need to go to find the evidence.

    i propose that saturated fat from plants like coconuts does not cause disease but animal product saturated fat should be avoided at all costs”

    Two problems with this.  First, plants are alive, just like animals.  So, if disease is basic karma from eating a once living animal, why wouldn’t there be the same sort of basic karma from eating a once living plant?  And since we know about conditions like celiac, and peanut and soy allergies (which can range from mild to potentially deadly), it would seem that eating plants could exact the same sort of basic karma you are talking about.

    Second, your basic karma is at odds with basic biology.  Humans eat meat, and have for at least thousands of years.  Many stories of the Bible, dating back at least 3,500 years, talk of eating meat, milk, fish, and honey.  Lots of the historical and scientific evidence suggest that humans have been eating meat and animal products for much longer than that, hundreds of thousands to millions of years, or longer.  Besides that, we know of many animals that are mostly carnivores, and even animals that we label herbivores, like cows and deer, will eat smaller animals, like frogs and birds, when they get the chance.  Even plants can be carnivorous, like the Venus Fly Trap.

    Besides, there are plenty of humans that ate meat well into their 90s or 100s, and plenty of example of people who “went vegan” who deteriorated and died in their 40s and 50s.

    Every living thing on this planet has to consume other living or once living things to survive in this realm.  Since all living things are in the same boat in this regard, so if there is some karma that comes around for eating some other living being, then every living thing will experience that karma at some point.  You can’t escape it, if you live on this planet.


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