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It is odd that I created this thread and two days later I got this very issue. I realized that this meant that I am suppose to learn something more about it by going through it myself.
My issue started a couple of weeks ago when I started fishing in the evenings with a friend. When I got home on those three nights I would have to shower and every time I caved to the desire to take a bath instead. I knew I shouldn’t be doing that since fluoride has been a root to many of my past health issues, but I thought I was healthy and this little spurge I could get away with and I did with the first two baths, but the morning after the third was not good. I woke up with my lower back killing me and my torso looked swollen. I felt terrible! As the morning went on and I moved around it still hurt. I thought I had to cancel my day’s plans, but I pushed through the pain moving around and stuck with my plans and went to lunch with a friend. Though I ate my pastrami sandwich without the bread I pushed my luck with the onion rings. When I got back home I lifted some REALLY heavy boxes from my house to the car and felt ok the rest of the day, but the next morning my back pain was even worse! I could hardly walk without enormous pain. I surmise that my intestines were so swollen that it was putting pressure on my spine. I was a mess and my girlfriend was coming to town to stay with me for three day, but had to cancel or keep on doing things that weren’t good for my situation. I had a 5-hour round trip in the car which aggravated it more as well as more daily restaurant outings and then more company after she left. I could not find time to focus on getting my inflammation down and kept adding to it instead. Finally when my obligations were met and I could then focus on myself.
I didn’t take any meds except an aspirin once a day and one day three times. I discovered that my duvet cover, which is synthetic made it worse so I regretfully got rid of it. I loved that bedspread. I thought the cotton sheet between me and it was enough to protect me, but it wasn’t. Interestingly every time my friend would come into my room to watch some television together she would get hot flashes that she wasn’t getting anywhere else in the day. We thought it was strange and we couldn’t figure out why, but I think it was my bedspread. On one of my fitful nights with discomfort I noticed lots of sparks coming off of it in the darkness when it swished against the cotton sheets. That is when I knew. I have slept so much more comfortably since getting that duvet off of my bed. M, and so have a new organic cotton one I ordered on the way.
Alternating milk and Concord grape juice as Ray Peat suggested for nerve repair and pain was my first course of action. I don’t like the grape juice, but I dislike the pain more so I drink it. I drink the two with an hour in between throughout the day as a meal replace the.. It was very helpful, as was CEYLON cinnamon in my ORGANIC coffee with cream and sugar, twice a day. I only had one meal a day. I avoided all starches to keep inflammation away from my body especially my intestines, and added in homemade bone broth soups instead. I have been keeping my eating simple. I used cascara tea in the beginning to keep my intestines light. I also added in some exercises which I do three times a day. I have been doing two particular ones, side leg lifts and one on my hands and knees entending each leg out. I started with ten reps of each and have since graduated to 30 reps each. They relieved a lot of the pain in my haunch that went down my leg, and feel good. Resting during this ordeal was counterproductive making the pain worse while movement was helpful in the long run, though uncomfortable in those moments. I grounded outdoors several times a day as well and felt immediate relief from it. I still feel a little something, but I am continuing all of these better things from now on.
It has been a scary experience and sometimes I felt discouraged, scared and hopeless, but I know that our natural immune system is designed to heal itself. Numbing the pain receptors with pain killers tells the body that everything is alright when it is not, so healing never happens with pain killers. Pain is a signal to the body that something is wrong and to kick in to high gear and fix it. Adding things to my body that aids in that defense was the way to go. It was tough to not take an Advil or even drink some tequila to feel better, but I am glad that I didn’t because I got over this quick where it could have turned into a chronic disability that might have lasted my lifetime if I didn’t change my ways or had gotten myself into the medical system of pills and their downward domino effects.
It was interesting just sticking to 4 foods and feeling the improvements and then adding a new thing and feeling pains from it again. I never want to be in that debilitating situation again so I will keep moving, keep on avoiding fluoride with no more baths ever again, eating my broths, the milk and grape juice organic coffee with Ceylon, as well as doing some simple extra movements daily to keep those less used muscles in play. Sunshine and grounding have been important in my happy health and I will continue that till I am no more. I am really grateful to Ray Peat for the knowledge he shared on how to take matters into my own hands to heal and find my youthful energy. My health is my most prized possession and I am going to protect it with all I know and have in me and keep on making better choices.
“The simplicity of things such as supplementing thyroid, progesterone, and sugar, avoiding an excess of phosphate in relation to calcium, and avoiding polyunsaturated fats, makes it possible for people to take action themselves, without having to depend on the medical system.” -Ray Peat
