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I bought some purple potatoes and am even more anxious to eat them for all that they offer to my health and you too Kevin…
“Eating purple potatoes can boost your antioxidant intake and reduce inflammation. They’re especially rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds linked to improved eye and heart health, as well as a lower risk of chronic disease.”
“Another study in men who ate 5.3 ounces (150 grams) of different colored potatoes each day for 6 weeks observed that the purple potato group had lower levels of inflammatory markers and markers of DNA damage, compared with the white potato group.”
“A few lab studies have indicated that some of the compounds in purple potatoes, including their antioxidants, may help prevent or fight cancer, including colon and breast cancer (13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).
In one study, cancer cells that were treated with purple potato extract grew more slowly. In some cases, the extract even caused cancer cell death”
