Crustless Lavender Goat Cheesecake with Fresh Raspberry Sauce

I love to try new cheeses and cheesemakers get crazier and crazier in the flavors they add to cheeses nowadays. I have been liking a lavender goat cheese especially on lamp chops. I thought since I am growing so many types of lavender that it would be fun to make my own.

So I bought 4-ounces of plain goat cheese added in an equal part of cream cheese, a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers and the zest of a lemon and it was wonderful. I used it in a few places and then decided to make it into a cheesecake. So I made a batch with a full 8-ounces of cream cheese to the 4-ounces of goat cheese and added an extra teaspoon of the dried lavender to the mix to start this recipe. Because I am cooking for only myself I tend to make things in smaller batches so multiply this recipe for however many you may need. Six of these little cheesecake serves three people.

Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Add a cup of this mixture above to a bowl and add an egg and two tablespoons of a light creamy honey or plain white sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat this together for a few minutes until a little fluffy. Grease 6 medium-size muffin tins with a little refined coconut oil and butter. Divide the goat cheese batter among the six tins and pop them in the oven on a middle rack. Bake this for 17 minutes. While they are baking mix 1/3 cup of crème fraiche or sour cream with two teaspoons of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract. When the cheesecakes are done and the centers are puffed up and they are starting to get a little golden edges remove them from the oven and let sit for five minutes. Turn up the oven to 400 degrees. After the cakes sat for those few minutes the centers will depress. Divide the crème fraiche mixture amongst the tops of the cakes and put them back in the oven for three more minutes. Remove them from the oven and let cool completely before covering and chilling for several hours. Removing them was a little tricky as they are delicate and have no crusts. I ran a butter knife around the edges first and then went around the second time digging in towards the center. Serve this with fresh berries and the raspberry sauce which I have linked below for the recipe.


  1. Im just baffled why these recipes are posted for free… Ok some free ones are nice but maybe you could monetise some of your creations

    dollar or two per person for some more ‘upper class’ type food wouldn’t be bad???

    1. after all this is a nice website, not like charlies webshite where he sells dangerous supplements from his villain lair

    2. I don’t want people to not get help with their health because of money Quest. I can manage the cost of this site for now and maybe in the spare time I don’t have I will write a cookbook if I go broke. One of the biggest problem with a Ray Peat inspired diet is that people don’t know what to eat past milk, orange juice, eggs, liver and oysters. As one can see with what I eat there is a limitless variety of foods to eat. There is no calorie counting or limitations past PUFA”s and preservatives.

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Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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