This is one of my best weight loss snacks. Not only does it pack a punch of nutrition, but it really satisfies me for a long while. Boiling the egg keeps the fat low and the ginger, wasabi and sprouts are all highly beneficial, each with it’s own unique benefits. I could eat this combo all day long. Just swipe the boiled egg with wasabi paste, then mix a teaspoon of coconut aminos with a quarter teaspoon of chopped ginger and sprinkle it on the sprouts.
Of course the quality of the egg matters, so I buy free-range corn and soy free eggs. My thinking is I would rather eat half as much good stuff than twice as much bad stuff. The quality of my milk and eggs are the most important to me. If I can’t get the good eggs I buy I just go without eating eggs.
“Considering that most of our food animals are fed large amounts of grains and soybeans, it isn’t accurate to speak of their fats as “animal fats.” And, considering the vegetable oil contained in our milk, eggs, and meat, it would seem logical to select other foods that are not rich in unsaturated oils.” -Ray Peat