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      what are some specific foods and meal timing techniques that you’ve found to help burn fat?
      I hit a plateau with carnivore and metabolism has been stubborn. With some fasting weekly I can drop a pound here and there, but who wants to fast each and every week?
      If I eat lots of carbs on the weekend, and then go back to carnivore for four or five days, yes, I can lose a little bit of weight. But the constant back and forth is not enjoyable.
      What foods and what times to eat do you think would help me lose weight? I ask with this in mind: certain foods cause quick weight gain for me(breads especially) and some foods drive up my hunger so that I’m always eating and some foods ramp up inflammation so that I feel stiffer all over.


        @Johann2547 calcium from milk and lots of it makes the fat melt off of me. The the thing is is that the low-fat is the key yet they ruin the milk with the added cheap A& D vitamins in the low-fat milks. So I would but whole grass-fed milk whole milk and skim the cream off the top and mix it with a nonfat milk. This way it takes half of those cheap vitamins out. Nowadays I skim my raw whole milk and Alexandre grass-fed A2 milk as well and blend them in equal parts. I use the cream for cooking or in my coffee. High calcium, low fat and no starch makes losing weight easy for me. Mini meals too. I have what I want, but not 3 things on a plate, just one thing. This is a lifestyle for me so there is no end or  cheat days. I just don’t appreciate eating things anymore that don’t make me look good. Having strong will power is also a confidence builder.



          Orange peels help increase your metabolism and burn fat from your body. Many medical experts recommend orange peels as a cure for weight loss.”

          “In addition, orange peel contains considerable amounts of copper, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and dietary fiber.”




            Have you taken a look at my weight loss thread @Johann2547 ?


            I also have a website page with the foods I eat to lose weight and maintain it.



              Eggs can help you drop pounds. As Ray explained, they drop blood sugar dramatically. Realistically, this is probably flirting with low-carb dieting. If I don’t go crazy low-carb and don’t do the regimen too long, I don’t feel this is dangerous for me.  **** I might do that for a while, and reinstitute Cari’s no/low starch. Back on the straight and narrow!


                Thanks for the recommendations. I ate a bunch of carbs over several days and actually got my temp up to 98.4. Which is good for me. Now I’m backing off the carbs for a few days hoping that my metabolism came up a bit and will drop a couple of pounds. Then I plan to do more carbs until I can get this locomotive moving along.

                Zack Vegas

                  I’ll share what’s been working for me the past year.  Last June, I was fed up with extra weight.  I was at the heaviest I had ever been, and was ready to do whatever to lose it.  I went back to Anthony Colpo’s Fat Loss Bible, and started tracking food in cronometer, and using an old fitbit and hitting at least 10,000 steps a day.  I knew this had worked in the past, and it started working again.  I had stopped using my fitibit because of some of the tracking/privacy concerns, but really, I got to a point where I was more sick of being really fat, and said screw it, and used it anyway.  That certainly got things going back in the right direction.

                  I like Colpo’s book a lot, and I think Calories are a very important factor in weight loss, but I think the idea that you can never raise your resting metabolic rate is hogwash.  Still, I was using a modest deficit, not battling hunger, willing to take diet breaks, all while looking for other things to get metabolism working better.  Mike Fave does a good review of that Wlodek paper, about how lower calorie intakes can still lead to weight gain, proposing a block in the Krebs cycle and overactivation of FAS.  It made me think of it like a clogged sink….. yeah, the ultimate solution is to clear the clog in the pipe, but while you are working on that clog, you shouldn’t be adding a lot of unnecessary water to the sink.

                  All that being said, I tried to cut calories more from fat and upping walking, rather than cutting back on carbs.

                  I also came up with 13 principles to experiment with along the way.  The first, and overarching, is belief or mindset.  My belief is that it’s best to either think in the positive (eg, “I am lean,” “I am getting leaner”) or think in questions (eg, “how do I get more fit?  How do I up my metabolism?), and not think in the negative, or what you don’t want (eg, “I’m fat, I’ll never lose weight”).  If the positive affirmations don’t feel right, start asking yourself questions about them instead.  That will get you thinking and focusing on where you want to go, instead of what you don’t want.

                  The other 12 are principles, and I’ll just list them off-

                  1. Get more red and infrared light

                  2. Increase Carbon Dioxide, and retention

                  3. Live at higher altitude, or simulate altitude.

                  4. Deplete PUFA/Lower MUFA (both in body and diet)

                  5. Increase Anti-inflammatory Amino Acid to Inflammatory AA ratio (or more simply, glycine/methionine)

                  6. Increase NAD+/NADH ratio

                  7. Keep Iron (Ferritin) near deficiency

                  8. Increase Testosterone to Cortisol ratio.

                  9.  Keep Thyroid levels high

                  10. Keep Vitamins and Minerals abundant, (Vitamin A, B1, Niacinamide, Biotine, D, E, K2, calcium, magnesium, and sodium, to name the ones I really focus on.

                  11. Increase Dopamine to Serotonin Ratio

                  12.  Improve Digestion

                  There’s some overlap, some have very simple and easy solutions, others might take time, and others might require a major life change.  But, you can play around with a few or all of them at different times.  I really started focusing on the Glycine to Methionine ratio, and really adding a lot of Glycine and gelatin and collagen to my diet in October.  That led me to discover beef tendon, which led me to experiment with a very low fat diet for a couple months, and I that is a tool which I might bust out again, but probably only for couple months, max, at any time.  The crazy thing, with the low fat, high glycine/gelatin diet, I got super smooth skin on my elbows and heals which had been very rough before.  That wasn’t even something I was that concerned with, but it was a nice bonus.  The smooth heals and elbows have stayed, even when I went back to a higher level of fat (but still pretty high glycine/gelatin).

                  Oh, and as for results, in a year, I dropped 50 pounds, 6 pants sizes, and 6 inches off my belly.

                  I’ll try and answer other questions you might have, or if you are interested in anything I did for any of the other principles.  At this point, I’ve done at least something with all 12, and have plans to do more with them in the future.

                  Zack Vegas

                    Also, one thought on bread specifically causing quick weight gain…. do you know if the bread you are eating is “fortified” with iron?  I think the added iron might cause issues with bread and wheat products that might not be happen if it weren’t added.  If you are in the US, Canada, or UK, the bread is likely fortified, unless you are getting some product imported from a country like France, or it’s labeled organic.  If you can, check the label to see if something like ferrous iron is listed, or “enriched wheat flour.”  That means it is.

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