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Home Forums Forum Fabric Frequencies

  • This topic has 49 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by Cari.
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    Several years back when I was dealing with extreme histamine intolerance symptoms I had realized that my bedding, furniture and clothing were making me sick. With great sadness I got rid of a good majority of my expensive clothing. It was a steep cost to making my health a priority, but I paid it and I am still not looking as cute as I use too wearing bland looking cotton clothing and not too many choices at that. I first realized that fabrics were causing illness when I got a horrible arm rash that lasted for month from sitting on my new leather sofa. I was also getting ugly irregular looking growths where some of my cheaper clothing that I was sleeping in was touching my skin. I even had a period of time where I couldn’t urinate. I kept having that problem for a couple of weeks and I was afraid to drink liquids. I would be fine all day and then after a night of sitting in that chair I’d have the same problem the next morning. Thank God I put my mind to figure out why that was happening instead of letting a doctor take a guess and put me on medication, because I was scared. I finally figured it out and discovered it was the hundred chemicals in that chair that was going through my clothing and into my skin. Once I stopped sitting on that chair I never had that problem again. Women are taking in these chemicals everyday and may possibly be the cause of many getting reproductive cancers from these fabrics while men get the prostate ones. These types of cancers were not common a hundred years ago when they lived more naturally, in cotton, linen and tilled farms into late ages.

    In my case all ended well. I used MCT oil to kill those growths and then came the harder task of replacing some of those clothes with healthier options. I washed those new furniture pieces with vinegar and water and let them off-gas for several years. I still don’t sit on them for very long without a barrier between me and that fabric. I replaced my mattress and bedding as well.

    As I educate myself in how bad the fabrics we wrap ourselves in I have found another puzzle piece called “fabric frequencies”.

    “Each fabric gives of a frequency that can be measured in mHz (megaHertZ). Organic cotton has a tested value of 110 mHz, polyester around 10 mHz. A diseased person generally measures 15 mHz. Wool and Linen both have a signature of 5000 mHz!”

    This is important to me because my big focus this past year is on energy.  I ground everyday and even several times a day lately which has made a tremendous difference in my health, energy level, sleep and mental well being. I wear only cotton, go barefoot when I can and even bought myself grounding shoes. If everything is made of energy than it makes sense fabrics would too.  Apparently a healthy person has a frequency of around 100 or more, an unhealthy person has around 50 and a dying a person has a lot less, so what a person wears contributes to their frequency bringing it up or bringing it down. Below is frequencies of some of the fabrics our society commonly wears. When you think you are doing everything right and still something just feels wrong it may just be one’s clothing, bedding and furniture. I know those daily doses of chemicals I stopped taking in made a big difference in my recovery from so many things.  If our skin is our biggest organ and the easiest way to get some nutritional things it only makes sense that it also takes in the nefarious things too.

    “Yellen’s study reported the following “signature frequencies” different fabric:

    Linen: 5,000
    Wool: 5,000
    Mixed linen and wool: 0… it appears that the frequencies cancel each other out. Perhaps this accounts for the ancient instructions not to mix these fabrics.
    Organic cotton – 100
    Cotton – 70
    Silk – 15
    Polyester – 15
    Rayon – 15”

    The Healing Frequency of… Fabric?! (Support Your Health With Your Clothes)



      This is a fascinating topic and I think that it has been overlooked to a certain extent by many in the alternative health medicine world. But the PFO’s or forever chemicals I can certainly see as being an issue in terms of impacting mitochondrial energy output and shifting towards a more reduced state. One can look to find a more cleaner type of clothing or try to take measures to mitigate the damage. But I am wondering with a name like forever chemicals one has to wonder if these chemicals can be detoxed.


        Hi, Cari! Thank you so much for your message, I finally found the way to your lovely place here.

        I love this subject because I am very sensitive to synthetic fabrics, not to mention to every type of chemical out there as well, including most cosmetics.

        I saved these very interesting articles someone posted at the RPF – one of the changes induced by synthetic fabrics would be in the electrical charges of our cells:


        Effect of different types of textile fabric on spermatogenesis: an experimental study


        An experimental study on the effect of different types of textiles on conception



        “According to the machine, a healthy human body has a frequency of 70 – 100m. An unhealthy body drops below 50m. Dr. Yellen’s premise was that fabrics with a higher frequency than a healthy human body are beneficial to humans, and fabrics with a lower frequency can cause or increases illness.”



        I am so happy we took measures and exchanged numbers just in case and have reunited here ZsaZsa! We are all happy to see your name popping up here! I am looking forward to checking out your links. Thank you for this contribution. Since wearing mostly only cotton I have a new baseline feeling so that when I wear anything else I get a hard to describe “overwhelming” feeling, almost like when I am holding a cell phone too long. The chemicals in the fabrics are a whole other can of worms.


          @Zsazsa !! Happy to see you again and stoked that you posted here 🙂  @Cari aka “Rinse & rePeat” has created a positive, open, and fun space with her forum.

          Interesting subject Cari.  I have been studying frequency for like 20 years.  I also gave away all my synthetic clothes.  Whew…expensive.  Like you, I find it hard to find quality that is natural.  It is out there but have to search.

          We sleep on a cotton batting shiatsu mat that is about an inch think with all cotton sheets and cotton blankets and down pillows.  All our chairs are cotton fabric.  Every now and then I will wear a rayon blend with cotton.  All in all it does not affect me much.  Also I have so many things to raise the frequency in my home, our place feels so light and happy and high frequency 🤩


          @Lollipop I am excited to learn more about this frequency subject. Like you I will wear the very few things I kept that were expensive and not cotton just to go out somewhere for a couple of hours otherwise I am in back in cotton. I don’t dress as amazingly as I use to, but it isn’t worth giving up my health to look good. Thank you for your positive words about our new space. I am so happy everyone is pleased with it!


            @Cari aka “Rinse & rePeat” frequency is a fascinating subject to explore.  You will love it and applies in all aspects of life!!

            Yes great place Ray Mend Eat ❤️  Besides LinkedIn which I mainly use for my work, I had stopped all forums and social media.  Your sweet space brought me back…

            When I have more time this weekend, I will go through my files.  I have saved some interesting info about frequency.  When I find the articles I saved, I will share them here.



              Here are some ways to increase your energy that are not dietary:

              Increasing Energy and Vitality: Recovering From Burnout


              *Donna Eden’s 5 min Energy Routine

              Energy Medicine Routine

              -4 Thumps

              -Crossover Shoulder Pull

              -Cross Crawl

              -Wayne Cook Posture

              -Crown pull

              -Connecting Heaven and Earth

              -Zip Up

              -The Hook Up -belly button middle finger and middle finger third eye

              *Hold The Balloon Qigong Posture

              Start at 5 min and build slowly up, a few min a time.  10 min daily brings huge benefits.

              Hold The Balloon Google articles

              Holding the Balloon – The Second Position






              *A Good Book for Beginners:

              The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercise (A Gaia Original) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0671736450/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_pr2vBbDSE6646

              One testimonial on Amazon about this practice that I found particularly amazing:

              “…so now I have done 3 30-minute stands, and though I am 62 years old, I feel like I’m 40. Really.”

              -Michael MacLeod


                Hi, @Lollipop , I am happy to meet you here as well! I am so glad that a sweet person like Cari was able to reunite us here in this Cari-ng place!

                I will look into your contributions and am eager to find active ways to improve my frequency!

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              Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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