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      So yes, it’s back again.  The first occurrence of Muco-epidermoid Carcinoma was back in 2020, in my parotid salivary gland.  They respected the gland, an affected lymph node and several other lymph nodes in my neck.  They replaced the gland with a fat graft and I was good to go… or so I thought. Two years later the cancer metastasized to the fat graft and nearby nerves, necessitating removal of the fat pad and nearby nerves.  They replaced that fat pad with a graft from my back.
      Fast forward two years and following a standard MRI check-up, they’ve found a mass in my trapezius muscle – or in a lymph node very close to the muscle – they aren’t exactly sure.
      The biopsy results say:


      In the standard way, they’ve scheduled me for a PET scan to see if anything else “lights up” and will likely schedule surgury to either remove the effected lymph node, or a section of the trapezius muscle.

      honestly, I’m tired of the cut and radiate method, and it clearly hasn’t worked.

      i have a go to list of alternative treatments, most coming from the RP forum, others from online sources and authors like Jane McLellan.

      Those include:

      • aspirin
      • baking soda
      • CO2/actazolamide
      • fenbendozole
      • Ivermectin
      • RU486
      • progesterone

      of the lot, Ivermectin seems like a good option to start with because there’s a good chance the MEC is either caused by a parasite or fungus, or it is a parasitic organism:
      “Parasite and cancer cells are similar in their capacity to survive and proliferate independently of exogenous growth factors, to be resistant to apoptosis, and to evade host immune mechanisms. Therefore, it is difficult for the body to completely get rid of cancer cells and parasitic agents.”

      There’s a growing amount of journal studies promoting the benefits of anti parasitic drugs.

      Does anyone see problems with a protocol of Ivermectin, aspirin, an antibiotic and a low fat, low carb diet?  I need help with dosing, amounts and containments. Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

      thank you!


      Do you know the Georgi dinkov “treatment” of mice with the worst form of cancer.

      He cured them.

      b1 thiamine 15 mg-kg

      b3 nicotinamide 30 mg-kg

      b7 biotin 1,5 mg-kg

      aspirin – 15 mg-kg

      he has a conversation with dr. mercola recently and mentioned it.

      Best Wishes:)

      Zack Vegas

        I see a problem with a “low fat, low carb” diet. All that’s left is protein and alcohol. Are you planning on mixing casien powder in vodka?

        A low fat, high carb diet is a better option, if you want to generate more CO2, as carbs do this much better than fats.

        Not sure where you got the idea that cancer is caused by a parasite, the quote you cited only claims that cancer cells are similar to a parasite, not caused by them. Personally, I think there is a lot more to the idea that there really isn’t a “cancer cell,” and that it’s more of deficient energetic state, like Ray Peat and Otto Warburg (and many others) have stated. I don’t know much about Ivermectin nor have much interest in it, but I would personally opt for the more bioenegetic substances and ideas. I don’t think anyone can give you specific doses, as that is basically giving someone medical advice, but you can figure it out yourself based on studies and doing the proper Human Equivilant Dose conversion, at least as a starting point.

        Have you asked your doctors about your iron and ferritin levels? High iron is associated with pretty much every metabolic degenerative disease, including cancer, and iron lowering strategies, to near deficiency, have shown improvements in all these diseases, including cancer. If you do an iron panel with ferritin, don’t just look at the range, as even so called “high normal” iron carries an increased risk of cancer and heart disease. The iron lowering target for ferritin is usually about 30 ng/dl in such studies, although there are usually benefits that show at 80 ng/dl and lower. If you had cancer, you can’t just do a blood donation, but you can get a prescription for a theraputic phelebotomy (same process, they just can’t use your blood with another patient).

        Also, if I were in this situation, I would either move to a higher altitude, and/or get an altitude tent and generator. Both are very effective at lowering lactate levels in the blood, and Haidut posted some studies that high lactate can be a cancer cause. It’s commonly elevated in cancer patients. Some might balk at the cost, as the tent/generator systems start at around $2500 and might rack up some high power bills, but how much does a radiation session or chemotherapy cost, moneywise? A full course of treatment for radiation looks like $40,000-$120,000 for a full round, depending on the cancer and other variables, which is at least 4 to 20 times higher than the cost of an altitude tent and racking up high power bills by using it every night for a year. Although most people probably don’t look at the actual costs, as radiation is usually covered all or mostly by “insurance.”


        “I see a problem with a “low fat, low carb” diet. All that’s left is protein and alcohol. Are you planning on mixing casien powder in vodka?

        A low fat, high carb diet is a better option, if you want to generate more CO2, as carbs do this much better than fats.”

        You and Ray Peat are in agreement Zack on what you said above…

        My email to Dr. Ray Peat:

        “Do you think eggs are a good or bad food for someone with cancer to eat?”

        Ray Peat:
        “It depends on the quantity; cancer grows well when fat or protein is available as an energy source.”



          Following up on what has already been stated. I would start by having my vitamin D levels checked. Vitamin D is involved in many processes in the body as well is a component in the immune system, in the same vein I would also look at your zinc levels for the same reason.

          A couple things that might be considered in your assessment is has there been any large stressful events in your life leading up to your coming out of remission?

          The other thing that might be applicable is if you are taking any medications that utilize inflammatory mediators in their treatment of certain conditions? Cancer is associated with chronic inflammation, so I would if the medication is a factor also look at any vitamin and mineral deficiencies that these pharmaceuticals are known for. Paying attention to magnesium, potassium and zinc. As well how is your salt intake?  These factors are closely related, and even something as seemingly benign like hypoglycaemia, can cause the ejection of magnesium and potassium and allow sodium and calcium to enter the cell.

          I would also look at anything that might be in your regimen be it diet, medications, or environment that might cause a rise in nitric oxide. This substance will also cause a rise in superoxide when combined will produce peroxi nitrate. In the process mentioned above intracellular calcium will cause this reaction almost instantly.

          Haidut talked about a woman in I believe Hungary that had stage four glioblastoma and essentially that was going to be the end of the line for her. She tried the blend of pyruvate and acetyl acetate. She had the tumour shrink and was able to return to work eventually. I do not know if this was permanent but glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. The product Pyrucet from Idea Labs is this blend.

          Myprisone is another option that Haidut and Dr Mercola talked about along with RU 486, both these drugs seem to be more difficult to find as of late even from oversees suppliers.

          Building on Zack’s recommendation for increased CO2 you could in addition to the thiamine already suggested above look at methylene blue, it might be that there is a blockage in the electron transport chain preventing flow into oxidative phosphorylation and you are in a reduced glycolysis state.

          Building on Zack’s suggestion for an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, if you go to a local welding shop you can pick up a tank of carbon dioxide at a reasonable price, a regulator and a length of hose to reach into the bottom of your bath tub would allow you to create a CO2 bath since it is heavier than oxygen it will sit in the bottom and not escape, just make sure that you put the plug in the tub and do not sink below the gas level. It is a frugal way to experiment.

          Zack Vegas

            One other thought….. have you looked into the accuracy of cancer diagnostic tests?  I’ve seen studies suggesting that they are far from iron clad, and I think I’ve heard the claim that a cancer diagnosis is almost more “art” than “science.” During a quick search, I found this article about a study that questioned the accuracy of biopsies, and this paragraph really stood out-

            “Overall, the diagnoses of the pathologists in the study agreed with the expert panel’s diagnoses 75.3% of the time. While this seems concerning, it’s important to know that the diagnoses of the three members of the consensus panel agreed with each other only 75% of the time until they met and discussed the cases.”


            How is that in any way reassuring?  Doesn’t the second point just demonstrate how bad the problem really is?  Are they suggesting that the path to more accurate cancer diagnosis is meetings and zoom calls?

            When I had surgery a while back to remove some implants that were put in when I was a child (long story), the first doctor I went to had an MRI taken and read, and told me there was nothing there (this despite the fact that I remembered the original surgery, and could see the bulge where they were, with my own two eyes).  A second doctor had another reading with the same MRI, there were some things noticed the second time that the first didn’t, I and went about having these things removed.  It’s one of the experiences that lead me to question pretty much every piece of health related advice, regardless of source.


            This was interesting about jalapeno seeds and cancer…



              I’ve tried to respond but two of my reply posts have not gone through. This is a test post


                Zack, Thanks for the catch – it was supposed to be high carb, not low.

                To follow up on you comments, there are several articles and publications outlining the possibility of cancer being a actually being a “parasite” or at least a parasitic organism, or at the least, it’s a response to a parasitic or fungal infection:

                I don’t know for certain if either are true, but the fact there are so many studies showing Ivermectin killing cancer cells through aptosis and autophagy.


                There’s even a current trial at Cedars Sinai using Ivermectin and an immunotherapy drug: https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05318469

                In reference to iron, I have a blood panel coming up – not sure what they’re checking for regarding iron, but I’ll ask for full iron and ferritin check.


                  I may also look into that altitude generator. I have a tank of CO2 now, I tried it tonight!  My normal temperature is 97.7-98.1 – after I got out of the CO2 tub I was at 98.8! 

                  Btw, I’ll look into those other protocols that Haidut mentioned.  I tried Pyrucet after my first diagnosis.  The hard part is figuring out how much to use and how to administer it.

                  Cari, I just ran across something about Jalepeno seeds, do you think if I went out and bought an organic jalapeño it would be ok to just eat the seeds?  Would they be irritating to the gut?

                  Has anyone here know someone that’s had immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies?  There’s a study going on now at Cedars Sinai hospital where they’re using immunotherapy and Ivermectin on metastatic triple negative breast cancer.



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