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Home Forums Forum Brain Health and Osteoporosis

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      Suggestions please:

      1. to help with memory for a 50+ gentleman who forgets where he parked his car, location of a shop he previously visited a few times
      2. osteoporosis for a 64 year old woman who broke her two arm bones lately. Doc recommended calcium tablets.
      I remember Ray mentioned in an interview I think with Patrick Timpone where he mentioned about a study of Japanese women who reversed osteopororis after taking 100mg Vitamin K (not sure which K).
      Thanks a lot!



        Search “osteoporosis” at the link. There are three articles with that word in the title.

        I would search the archive of raypeatforum.com for the memory advice for a man. My gut tells me this is man who might benefit from progesterone. There are lots of reports on the old forum of men benefiting from progesterone. I remember Georgi telling Ray on one of Danny’s shows that one man was using something like a bottle of Progest-E a week to great benefit. I don’t remember what the specific problem was, but in Peat world, generally, all degenerative diseases have the same causes. And the treatments are often the same: progesterone (or pregnenolone for men), niacinamide, aspirin, eliminate PUFA, etc.


        Zack Vegas

          1. For the Brain Health, I think the main things to look at are Lithium, Pregnenolone, Iron, and Coconut Oil. Oh, and maybe suger. Lots of sugar.

          Haidut has a few stories on RPF about people healing themselves of serious conditions like parkinsons or alzheimers with supplemental Lithium Orotate (not the prescription kind). I think they were taking 5-10mg of elemental Lithium a day (which is basically a tablet or two), and some experienced remarkable improvements in 6 months. Some supplements list the amount of “Lithium Orotate,” just know that around 130mg of Lithium Orotate only contains 5mg of Lithium.

          Pregnenolone is also a good one, for any improvment in mental health. Iron is often high in degenerate brain diseases, so getting ferritin tested would be a good step, and lowering it to near deficeincy could be a good step. Dopamine Agonists are also used to treat neurodegenerative conditions, so anything that ups Dopamine (or lowers serotonin) could be useful. I would look into selegiline in particular. And the sugar and CO is for general energy, and it could be the brain isn’t getting enough energy.

          2. The Japanese study that prevents osteoporosis used Vitamin K2 MK4, and used 45mg. It’s high for the dose, but there are some supplements out there that sell in that dose (or 15mg pills to be taken three times a day). K2 with D and Calcium would probably be a good thing. Oh, and gelatin. Maybe start eating more Beef Tendon? I would think that both conective tissue and bones are week in Osteoporosis.


            Thank you Lilac and Zack Vegas!


              The Japanese conducted studies using 45mg of Vitamin K2 (MK-4) for osteopenia and osteoprosis.

              Have you tried using pregnenolone and progesterone for the memory issue?


              “Experiments have shown that progesterone relieves anxiety, improves memory, protects brain cells, and even prevents epileptic seizures.” -Ray Peat


              ”Dr. Golomb has found that 15 percent of statin patients develop some cognitive side effects.23 The most harrowing involve global transient amnesia–complete memory loss for a brief or lengthy period–described by former astronaut Duane Graveline in his book Lipitor: Thief of Memory.24 Sufferers report baffling incidents involving complete loss of memory–arriving at a store and not remembering why they are there, unable to remember their name or the names of their loved ones, unable to find their way home in the car. These episodes occur suddenly and disappear just as suddenly. Graveline points out that we are all at risk when the general public is taking statins–do you want to be in an airplane when your pilot develops statin-induced amnesia?

              Statins seem to cause a range of cognitive problems, especially elderly patients. Two randomized trials that were designed to assess cognitive effects of statins have shown worsening in cognitive function. In addition, several case reports and one large case series (involving 60 patients) have reported deleterious cognitive effects of statins on memory and cognitive function.”




                Cholesterol lowering medications are causing dementia…



                  This clip is on magnesium and brain health…



                    This clip is on heartburn medication and brain health…


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