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      I think most, if not all, of us here believe that the human body and mind have much untapped potential, and that both are capable of so much more than are commonly thought.  Like the idea that someone could spontainously heal from cancer, or even regrow a lost arm or leg, given the proper conditions.

      I was reading the book “The Magic of Believing” by Claude Bristol, and he touched on these topics in the first chapter, and even cited some high level doctors and scientists from his day who held similar beliefs.  I quote them below.  I think his book is a worthy read, and I have downloaded some of the books by the authors mentioned below.  Archive dot org is a fantastic resource for this, it’s so much more than just the “Wayback Machine.”  Following are the quotes-

      “Dr. Alexander Cannon was a distinguished British scientist and physician whose books on the general subject of thought stirred up controversy here and abroad. He declared that while today a man cannot grow a new leg (as a crab can grow a new claw), he could if the mind of man hadn’t rejected the possibility. The eminent scientist claimed that if the thought is changed in the innermost depths of the unconscious mind, then man will grow a new leg as easily as the crab grows a new claw. I know, such a statement may sound incredible, but how do we know that it will not be done some day?”


      “Since this conversation, considerable publicity was given to the findings of Dr. Frederick Kalz, a noted Canadian authority who flatly stated that suggestion works in many cases, even to curing warts that are infectious and caused by a virus. In a 1945 article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Dr. Kalz declared that, ‘In every country in the world, some magic procedures to cure warts are known . . . It may be anything from covering the wart with spider webs to burying toad eggs on a crossroad at new moon; all these magic procedures are effective, if the patient believes in them.’ In describing the treatment of patients with skin trouble, he says, ‘I have often prescribed the very same ointment, accompanied by some promising words, which has been tried unsuccessfully by some other medical man, and got credit for a quick cure.’

      He also points out that X ray therapy is especially suggestive; it works even when the technician fails to switch on the high power! Experiments with systematic fake irradiation bear out this observation. Here in Dr. Kalz’s work we see actual examples of the magic of believing at work in the curing of warts and the treatment of skin trouble.

      Another time my medical friends and I were discussing telepathy. I remarked that some of our greatest students and scholars believed in it. Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, was not only a thorough believer in the phenomenon but declared that there was definite scientific proof that man could project his thought even at great distances into other minds.

      ‘Oh, he was just a senile old man,’ remarked another specialist at the table, a nationally known member of the American Medical Association. I looked at him with astonishment, for Dr. Carrel won the Nobel Prize for his medical research. When he put forth his ideas in that remarkable book, Man thc Unknown, published in 1935, he was regarded as one of the world’s foremost medical scientists and investigators.”



      I believe in a lot of the stuff you talk about here Zack. I have seen two people with the same cancer get it at the same time and both on the same cancer medicine and both had very different outcomes. The one that does not acknowledge the cancer, spends time talking on the phone laughing, crocheting blankets for her friends and family and cooks new recipes everyday for her son is living a full life while the other one died two years ago, being sad and saying “Why me?. I am going to read that first book you mentioned. The thing you said (below), I have done. I have put my mind to trying to plant a thought in someone’s head and they will call. I can go on and on on this subject. There are far more possibilities in this world and things going on all around us than meets the eye. When there is a will there is a way…..

      “Another time my medical friends and I were discussing telepathy. I remarked that some of our greatest students and scholars believed in it. Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, was not only a thorough believer in the phenomenon but declared that there was definite scientific proof that man could project his thought even at great distances into other minds.”


        This is and has been a fascinating topic, one which I have thought upon many times when thinking about the untapped potential and undiscovered or perhaps forgotten knowledge of the abilities locked within the human brain.

        I have seen a clip talking about how a cats reflexes are such that they can jump away faster and further than the strike of a King Cobra. While we humans can marvel at such a keen set of reflexes. I have to wonder though if there is a connection that animals are aware of that we humans or at least the majority of us are not consciously aware of.
        If the energy that the Earth gives off is a magnetically charged field and we and all other living creatures are creating a bioenergetic energetic field would it be a stretch to say that when the two living organisms encounter each other as in the cobra and the cat, there would be a collision of the two fields surrounding energies? I think that we can all relate to a similar experience when someone enters our personal space we all have that step back or uncomfortable feeling where we will back off or move to a more comfortable place.

        Given that rapid attack of the cobra on the cat would it be a possibility that the energy of the cobra radiates out and collides with the cats energy forcing the cat to leap backwards in a push like manner. Or is it as Zack mentions is intent projected prior to launching the attack and the cat is attuned and aware of this pressure giving a early telepathic warning?

        In some martial arts there is a similar test for the higher ranking belt grading. Wherein the the examined will kneel with their back to another practitioner with a katana. The test is simply to evade the downward strike from the practitioner with the katana, who will attack at there own non specified time. This mimics the above cobra and cat scenario, but the objective remains the same as do the conditions.

        At the turn of the nineteenth century Nicola Tesla believed that there was an energy source that radiated from the Earth that could be tapped into for a perpetual source of power, some say that he built a device that could tap into and harness this power and light up a set of light bulbs miles away without the need for any conduction lines, that he had plans to light up the Worlds Fair in Paris from his position in America. If memory serves I believe he passed away before this experiment came to fruition.

        There are stories of mothers knowing when their children are hurt despite being on another continent, and spouses knowing when the other passes on. In this case I would hypothetically propose that there is a connection in these bioenergetic fields, and quite possibly our energetic fields frequency is attuned with the frequency emitting from the earth and possibly messages are sent just as cellphone messages are sent through the air to transfer towers to connect with the person holding the phone to which that number is associated with. This is only done in the case of close people through a biological mechanism that is in turn connected to the living environment which surrounds us.

        Is any of this true? I do not know. But I do feel that the fraction of the brain which we use is only infantile in comparison to the amount that remains dormant for the vast majority of the global population more so in the populations that consider us and living in the modern world.



          “WE believe that immortality in the flesh is a possibility, or, in other words,
          that a physical body can be retained so long as the spirit desires its use, and
          that these bodies instead of decreasing in strength and vigor as the years go
          on will increase, and its youth will be perpetual.

          “We believe that the reputed fables in the ancient mythologies referring to
          the ‘immortals’ or beings possessed of powers other and greater than
          ‘mortals’ have a foundation in fact.”

          These two paragraphs start off Chapter 11, Immortality in the Flesh, in Prentice Mulford’s book “Thoughts are Things.”  The book was published in 1889.  Funny thing is, this claim lines up perfectly with Dr. Peat’s statements that our cells, and therefore our bodies, are “functionally immortal.”  Mulford also talks about both “spirit” and matter, and how they are really the same thing, just at different levels of solidity, like ice and water.  This would mean “spirit” is a higher form of energy.  This, again, lines up very well with the basic premise of the Bioenergetic Theory, that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

          I think Cari herself is a great example of this.  In every picture I’ve seen of her, on this site and at RPF, she easily looks like a woman at least 20 years younger than she claims.  I guess it’s possible she’s really 38 and lying about being 60, but seeing as she seems to radiate a sort of vibrancy in her photos and words (she always seems to be smiling and/or laughing), I think it’s more likely that Peat’s advice and Bioenergetic principles combined with a very positive mental attitude keep her very youthful and energetic when other people (most?) start to think they need to degenerate and decay physically.

          • This reply was modified 11 months ago by Zack-Vegas.

          “…but if the attitude is one of opening and exploring new possibilities, it activates restorative processes throughout the body.” -Ray Peat


            Add another one…. Chapter 22 of Robert Collier’s “Secret of the Ages” is titled “Why Grow Old?”  Written in 1926, Collier cites Dr. Alexis Carrel (as mentioned before), Thomas Parr (the Englishman who lived to 152, talked about by Dr. Peat) Salah Mustapha Salah Abu Musa who started growing a third set of teeth at 105,  and a Journal of Paris article talking about (functional) immorality of single celled organisms and the cells of our body, another thing Peat talked about quite a bit.

            He also cites a story called “The Prince and the Statue” from the Journal of Education about a Prince who made his crooked back straight by commisioning a statue of what he would look like with a straight back, and looking at it everyday.

            Here are some quotes from the chapter-

            “Genuine youth is just a perfect state of health.”

            “Do you know what is responsible for the whole difference between Youth and Age?  Just one thing.  Youth looks forward always to something better.  Age looks backward and sighs over it’s ‘lost’ youth.”

            “Men and women ought to grow with years into greater health, broader judgement, maturer wisdom.”

            “You can grow old at 30.  You can be young at 90. It’s up to you.  Which do you choose?”

            • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Zack-Vegas.

              Also, in the previous chapter in the book (Chapter 21), Collier talks about diet and exercise.  His views on exercise seem to line up with Peat’s ideas on the subject.  He talks about exhaustive exercise, and how it can be destructive to the body, and “Athlete’s Heart,” and how some who push themselves hard, often in the name of health, end up dying early.

              He also explicitly states that he is not suggesting that people don’t exercise, and recommends “a reasonable amount of light, pleasant exercise.”  He also suggests that any sort of game is good for both the mind and body.

              Too often, it seemed that people thought Dr. Peat was suggesting that all exercise is bad, and people should just be completely sedentary all the time.  But he always spoke favorably of lighter exercise, and anything that brought someone enjoyment, as well as the benefits of weightlifting.


              I agree with you Zach that Ray talked about breathless exercise causing stress and was not critical of anything else. He talked about long walks being healthy and being outdoors and using one’s brain discovering. I love these quotes that you posted! The one about not looking back I am so on point with and people don’t seem to understand that. They seem to think I am trying to forget, but I just feel like I liked my life, but I’m not one to watch the same movie twice. I am excited every morning to wonder every night how differently my day will go than I thought. I just love all twists and turns.  I have an almost 100 year old lady I visit several times a week and she just complains and is stuck in the past. No matter how I point out how great her life is with her having really good health that if she would quit complaining and move around and return favors and phone calls she would feel some joy. She is always just waiting for everyone else to just come over and listen to her complain. They say the face you grow old with is the one you deserve and I can see a lot written all over everyone’s faces. I feel more vibrant and am in the best health of my life and see people half my age far older than me. Age is just a number and health is absolutely everything!


                  Some great points in that speech.  One of the things I have heard along the way is that there is no such thing as chance or randomness.  “Chance” is simply a name for a law not yet recognized.  So far, that seems accurate to me.

                  Take the classic example of “randomness,” the coin flip.  It’s 50/50, right?  Well, from guessing at a level of perception, sure.  But, if you knew the starting position and how many times the coin flips, you could “predict” the outcome, with 99.99% accuracy (I’d say 100%, but there always seems to be something else we don’t know).  Most people don’t even look at which side is up to start.  But illusionists use this, and an even number of flips (zero) to be able to be near 100% accuracy-

                  A Rubiks cube is another great example.  We think it’s “solved” when all sides are the same color, and “scrambled” in any other combination.  But in truth, every other combination is simply differently ordered.  This is how Steven Brundage, the Rubik’s Cube magician, can do some of his illusions.  I’m sure he’s figured out certain “scrambles” that he knows as well as most people know the solved state.  If they take 9 specific move to get from “solved” to that “scramble,” you can simply reverse those moves from that scramble to get back to solved.  The cube is never random.  It’s simply in a different order.

                  Funny thing, if there is no “randomness,” that means that atheist arguments like those proposed by Richard Dawkins, are flawed at their very foundation.  He argues that Natural Selection disproves any sort of Creator or god, as mutations happen out of “randomness.”  But, using the above definition, that simply means that “random” mutations are just mutations that happen according to some law that man hasn’t figured out yet, even to the degree that Natural Selection is accurate.  This, of course, shatters the very foundation of his argument, rendering it null.  I think there are other things that he overlooked as well (like, why does any certain DNA combination create a different living thing, if there weren’t a creator to set up such rules in the first place), but destroying the very foundation of his argument pretty much means he would need to go back to the drawing board to draw a better argument (if even possible) anyway.


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