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  • in reply to: Fruit and Milk #2614
    peater wabbit

      I drink 2%. I can’t get raw milk either. I love my coffee flavored milk. I brewed a big pitcher of coffee, added sugar and half and half. I pour some of that into a tall empty Starbucks glass bottle and then fill with milk. Yummers. It’s hard to get get good fruit in grocery stores and where I live has limited fruit. It’s mostly melons and berries. The berries are pretty much done now. In July I go up to the mountains and buy tons of fresh picked peaches. I adore apricots but the store bought are either unripe or pithy.

      in reply to: Fruit and Milk #2551
      peater wabbit

        I drink organic supermarket milk and I love it.

        I am adding in fatty ground beef. Why? Cause I love it! So, meat, milk, coffee with sugar, some fruit, some eggs. What I am doing now ain’t working! I may be undereating. Will check back after I give it a whirl for awhile.

        in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1140
        peater wabbit

          I think that I am getting plenty of protein and yes, I am active most every day. I am thinking of tinkering with a fruit/ juice/ dairy only diet for awhile. I have always wanted to try that.

          in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1130
          peater wabbit

            Weight this morning, 160.3


            Actually gained back some weight but most probably fluid retention. Happy about another inch lost around the middle. I wasn’t as conscientious about my menu as I could have been but I am in no hurry. I added in some starch because I felt that I needed the energy. I swim most days and when I don’t swim I am working outside a lot.

            Onward and upward!

            in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1125
            peater wabbit

              Weigh in is tomorrow but I wanted to report that for the first time in a long time I checked my temp. Last night it was 98.2 before I went to bed and 97.8 this morning. Stunned. Normally when I took my temp before, especially in the morning my temps were always about 95.8 or 96. something. I am still having cold hands in the morning but I am hoping that my temps will continue to rise (for the right reasons). See you tomorrow!

              in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1103
              peater wabbit

                Ok, since I am a.guinea pig (not literally, I’m a wabbit) I thought I would give a little info.

                I am a 70 year old woman. 5’3, starting weight-162, waist 38 “.  I have been trying Cari’s method for one week and my weight is now 158.8, waist 37”. Mostly water weight lost I am sure. I will be weighing in on Friday mornings.

                I am eating mostly dairy, fruit, grape juice, creamy, sugary coffee with collagen, and occasional beef or shrimp and I may add tilapia. I eat small meals (more like snacks) every couple of hours but only if hungry. My snacks are balanced protein with fruit.

                Ok. More later. 😁

                in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1034
                peater wabbit

                  Yup, I am reading most everything. Hope you are getting new members. I will check my weight and waist just once a week but I will report. Appetite is much more under control eating mainly milk and fruit. Really just eating one small meal a day and the rest fruit, milk, coffee, a little cheese with mex. coke.

                  in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #1002
                  peater wabbit

                    I too have been trying the protein/sugar way that Cari advocates but I am trying to get the bulk of my protein from dairy and the bulk of my carbs from fruit. I drink a lot of milk and I like cottage cheese with canned peaches. I have pretty much cut out meat for now. I usually only have one 3 or 4 oz filet mignon a week. I already have lost an inch around my big belly. Sometimes I have brown rice that I have soaked before cooking. I adore brown rice and I often just have it in miso soup. I use eggs too mostly hard boiled. Keep on keeping on.

                    in reply to: MORE WEIGHT LOSS TALK #920
                    peater wabbit

                      Good stuff Zach. I need to stop with the liquid with meals. I tend to do that and I need to stop it. I have just started doing some of what Cari suggests for losing fat and not weight. Haven’t done it long enough (a week) to see results yet but I need to get the fat off of my gut.

                      in reply to: IRON – demystifying causes of high and low iron #892
                      peater wabbit

                        My mom died from undiagnosed hemachromatosis. My sister has it and I am a carrier.

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