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  • in reply to: Low toxin lifestyle #730

      I think, as with everything, the context matters. Track your nutrition intake for a while so you know if you are actually deficient in something. It’s hard to judge deficiencies on symptoms alone. Everything can be toxic in excess and deficiencies can seem magnified if you have a couple things going wrong.

      I think an overall better approach is to aim for optimal RDA intake each day without trying to be perfect – just notice where you need to focus the next day or next week. Eat what feels good, get 20+ minutes of morning sun, and get 8+ hours of sleep. Ultimately, I think the goal is to forget about food altogether other than what feels good or sounds good – essentially relearning to hear what your body needs 🙂 easier said than done tho

      in reply to: Eye Health #589

        Another thought for those with glasses or contact Rx. You don’t have to get your eyes corrected to 20/20. You can talk with your optometrist about your goals. Mine was comfortable prescribing me for less than 20/20 since a majority of my day is in front of the computer. I have a stronger pair for long stretches of driving, but I find this too hard on my eyes most of the time.

        in reply to: Low toxin lifestyle #588

          I’m not sure about vitamin A helping my skin – might depend on the type of skin issue. If you’re tracking food intake in chronometer, be sure to just use generic foods not branded. I thought I was deficient in Vit A because the branded milk I kept inputting didn’t have their Vit A levels listed.

          I’ve had much more immediate relief from skin issues supplementing topical magnesium. I use it around my nails specifically to address dry skin and hang nails. It stings a bit on little cuts, but it’s an almost immediate response where my skin becomes hydrated and the hang nails are gone or much less painful.

          In terms of supplementing those 2, my mind is going to liver. If you’re supplementing from a different source then this doesn’t matter. I do think there is some truth behind the “toxicity” idea if you’re consuming liver too often. This is conjecture, but when I think about hunter gatherer type communities, they would have had one liver per animal, and they weren’t slaying an animal every day because they consumed every part of the animal. So there would have been a lot of time spread out between liver consumption, it likely wasn’t a weekly thing.. perhaps monthly. And it was likely shared.

          in reply to: Women’s Health / Fertility / What is normal? #587

            I had a mixed experience with progest-e. In some ways it helped, but it antagonizes stored estrogen and I think that really messed with my cycle sometimes.

            I do think it helped me get to a much better base progesterone level judging by temperature and mood stability. I need to get my e/p levels rechecked to confirm

            One thing I didn’t like about the batch of progest-e I got was the taste. I couldn’t tell if maybe it had gone rancid because it was left in my mail box in the desert heat :/ so maybe it just wasn’t as potent

            in reply to: Eye Health #565

              I’ve found that getting sunlight in my eyes (while closed or from profile) helps immensely, especially earlier in the day. I think glasses and contacts also make the condition worse because they block direct light that your eyes need. I’m trying to be better about controlling the lights my eyes are exposed to. Really in the last 50 years the number of lights in our life have increased immensely. Many people today are not comfortably with dim or evening lighting and want bright lights all the way until bed time.

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