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  • in reply to: Charlie banned #3397

      Please ask Charlie to unban me as well. Or at least tell me what I did to upset him. I see some interesting topics on there that I would to weigh in on and also ask for more info.
      Someone said Charlie is not a bad guy. I would say that his disposition is dangerous. I’m glad that he is not a ruler over other mortals in real life. He would make an horrible dictator.
      The TYRANNNY of good intentions.

      in reply to: Charlie banned #3364

        A little known contributor to soil mineral deficiency is the use of pesticides. They prevent the organisms in the soil from breaking down rocks and digesting dirt to turn over more minerals into the soil.

        in reply to: Dextrose #2816

          What about pure glucose? I see some on Amazon that I might order.

          in reply to: Dextrose #2807

            I hadn’t considered all of that. Good input, Cari. Have any ideas of pure forms of sugar? I recall you talking about how you would give your father milkshakes and it would do him tremendous good.


              I’m subscribed to this substack and read the article a few days ago. It is truly amazing and sad at the same time that this is not being used in the US. It reminds me of how the profound treatment for sepsis that was discovered a few years back is also not being used to save lives.

              in reply to: Faster metabolism #2782

                Thanks for the recommendations. I ate a bunch of carbs over several days and actually got my temp up to 98.4. Which is good for me. Now I’m backing off the carbs for a few days hoping that my metabolism came up a bit and will drop a couple of pounds. Then I plan to do more carbs until I can get this locomotive moving along.

                in reply to: Strengthen Olfactory (smell) #2065

                  I used the NOW brand of L-Carnosine. And it is so powerful that I would just take out a tenth of a capsule and ingest that. In fact, if the capsules are still 500 mg, I would never do that much because of the histamine response. Less is best.

                  in reply to: Third go round with cancer #1984

                    Where is the link to jalapeno seeds?

                    in reply to: Are we on the cusp of a real pandemic? #1827

                      Why the elderberry, black cumin seed and tea?

                      The use of teas has been used for centuries for respiratory illnesses. In this study they demonstrate that tea apparently reduces viral load, with black tea delivering the best results. The prevailing theory is the high levels of polyphenols provided by teas. They demonstrate that even gargling without consumption can reduce the viral load by as much as ninety nine percent point nine percent.

                      What is context for this statement? Are you aware of the fallacy known as Effect proves the Cause?

                      What if, disease does not come from exosomes, but rather disease causes the production of exosomes?

                      If hydrogen peroxide is poured onto a wound, does it destroy the tiny organisms with all that bubbling? What if those tiny organisms were designed to do job of cleaning up?

                      • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Johann2547.
                      in reply to: “Tell A Vision” “Programming” #1770

                        I am so anti television. Though I still watch it. It is a last resort for me. I am working towards a life where using a screen will be something that I do only for work.

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